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Re: quiting the game in progress

rated by 0 users
Sat, May 9 2009 9:02 PM (1 replies)
  • PinnSeeker
    9 Posts
    Sat, May 9 2009 6:38 PM

    lol  been  here 30 minutes  and  had  5  as___h___s   quit  ...makes  this  game  so  much  fun..grow  up  if  you  cant  play  the  game  you  need

  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Sat, May 9 2009 9:02 PM


    Sorry you are experiencing that. I really dont know why they do it - I think they are just fooling themselves really trying to protect a rating. They mean naught really.

    Be happy to play a round with you. Only problem is I am in Australia so the time zones are a bit different.

    I would be happy to tee up (pardon pun) a round with you if we could organise it. Oh yeh - I dont quit rounds when the going gets tough - so you're safe there.

    I have never played multiplayer games before so it would be a godd experience, I need to try it one time, just in case I get into one of these multiplayer tournaments.

    Be happy to be a friend if you're interested. Happy playing and keep practicing.

    Cheers Doug