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Re: Players Crying

Sat, Aug 3 2013 11:52 AM (1 replies)
  • Anonymous69
    48 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 9:49 AM

    75% or more of all players using good clubs and good balls crying  all the time in the forum about your problems or errors during the game. Interesting, when the error favors the player he never cry.

    You play for credits and in all mode of game here !?, this is wonderful !!!. You win various tournaments and won 1.000, 2.000, 10.000 or more credits, this is good for you, I'm happy for

    In finish, the important is only the chat.

    All players played quiet !? ok, no problems.   The chat was nice and agreeable !? this is wonderful.    The another player offended you !? ha ha ha, this is hate and envy and this is bad only for the moron.

    For me, this is just a video game for small fun, I played hitting my "AVG SCORE" for down for better title and only, I use club and ball a bit better for try a better fun and only.

    WHAT IS YOU !?   a sarcastic player ?, a stupid player !? or a impolite player !?

    YOU IS A GREAT PLAYER OR A RETARDED !? your title never talk about you, only your style talk about you and your life. Your spirit is decent, poor or what !?

    My start was very hard and I offended various players during the game," I'M SORRY" Now, I learned play quiet and never cry in my bad moments, I hit various nice games and various bad games, patience, it happens, I not forgot, just a video game and good or bad is fun for me...

    The players need to wake up, this is just a video game. You are not players of GOLF here. You is a player of VIDEO GAME here.

    Just play and have fun, all the best for all

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2013 11:52 AM

    If more than 5% of players on here were players of real golf then they'd know real frustration.