Milfshake, you didn't win that driver, you stole it from the person that came second.
@ courteneyfish , Just not to be offended towards U ,but all of us here feels totally different on anyone here that they state any issues may not like what anyone here will feel that any problems they bring on what any issues they may not be resolved . At least they ask ,but for anyone here will give their advice ,which may / not what they R asking ,but @ least its an effort . So, with saying B more constructive before anyone states their grounds .
I know I can B a pest some of the time ,but it comes to when E1 here reply that they stand by on what on any issues comes about . So don't take it being offensive ?
The old saying in in any type of sport is to where when anyone here will agree state your grounds ,before anyone defend ,if it's not in regulation rules of any type of sports ,just in my P.O.V ?