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Re: Free XP boost with credit purchase

rated by 0 users
Mon, Aug 19 2013 2:47 AM (28 replies)
  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 6:57 PM

    If my math is right, won't you just get 400 additional XP with this bottle at max?  That's assuming 2 games an hour with 125 XP per round.  

    I do have a question about these ... if you run out midway through a round, do you get a percentage of the extra XP?

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 7:10 PM

    You should be able to use it (start it) on the last shot of a round and get the rounds full XP. +bonus from boost.

    You can all so play with a friend to keep the score tied and run up a 27 -36 or even 46 hole game on one boost once you start the boost.. and it will stay locked and loaded until that current round is over. 


    So in all you could make a 1 hr boost last 24 hrs. Takes a friend that is willing to do the same tho.


    The boosts are timed based but being a current round will hold that boost open for as long as you stay in one game and connected..

    Now if you play the same game for 2 days.. you will lose your consecutive day streak.

    Dont blame me if you forgot this...


    But then again.. you can go 1 day  23hrs and 59 mins between daily roll overs. Just make sure you play two games in 2 days... in the long run..


    If your confused, you shouldn't be reading this anyways.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 10:54 PM

    The boost will include any game which is finished or started through it's duration.

    Dunno how the friend (MP game?) and a 27+ holes game (which course?) would work, but two CDP boni can be doubled with one boost (has been posted here before):

    1) Play a game (18 holes tournament?) to the last green, be sure that it will invoke the CDP bonus. Buy or gain the XP boost, finish the game => double points, double bonus.

    2) Do what you like until 5 mins before the boost expires (single tournament rounds (Par 3) would be my proposal),

    3) Start a new single game (18 holes tournament?) shortly before the boost expires, save it in between,

    4) Stay away from playing until the next CDP (GMT) day,

    5) Continue and finish your game => double points, double CDP bonus again.

    It has been executed to 4.000+ XPs for a one-hour boost, add 2.500 (estimated) for four hours time. The only downsides are
    - you'd have to avoid playing for 20 hours - would you get more XPs by playing continuously?
    - you can only do it this way every two days to capture the CDPs.

    I judge it not to be efficient if you'd have to buy it, but worth a thought in this promotion.

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 12:04 AM

    If you pick a 9 hole match play (any course) and tie every hole you will have an endless number of holes... I was just using the number 27 as a reference number... 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 12:59 AM

    OIC - nice extension for the last game. Bears the risk of unexpected disconnects though.

    What would push up the points - the added holes or the strokes?

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Aug 10 2013 12:01 AM


    I need 5000 xp points a day to get to Level 93. Just go one more month it is still summer here!!

    If you play everday and have the full Xp Bonus(880 points) .....   just 3 games a night/day  can be 2000xp points

    If you don't have time to play that many games a day.....  then a one hole game (5mins) will keep your Xp bonus alive......   'Wgt Community' under 'Golf Courses' and select a hole to play


  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Sat, Aug 10 2013 12:13 AM


    OIC - nice extension for the last game. Bears the risk of unexpected disconnects though.

    What would push up the points - the added holes or the strokes?


    Yes disconnects and your partner falling asleep is going to happen.


    What pushes up the points seems to be the holes played... 9 holes at 300 xp... give or take.. is about 35 xp a hole.. times that by 100 holes just over 10 full games, its about 3,500 and if you run a XP boost that will up around 5,000 in one sitting.


    The kicker is.. is that I think WGT pays out more XP for the sudden death holes.. 


    So say.. 9 is 300xp @ 35xp a hole but sudden death holes pay out 45 xp per hole...



    OR it can go.. (playing a 9 hole to start)

    10th hole 1st of sudden death 38xp

    11th hole 2nd of sudden death 42xp

    and so on


    1-9 holes 35xp

    10-15 holes 45xp

    16-21 holes 50xp

    and so on... 


    I just remember playing 4 holes over 9 once, it was a good mach... We didnt set out to tie 14 holes.. It was a good match.. and at the end I said to myself.. Win or lose "that" was worth the XP... (no daily bonus xp was granted at that time)

    I think in the end.. its best to stay in a game then is it to re start one......... 


    On a boost!!! man you want to stay in a game as long as you can.


  • dyashpal
    286 Posts
    Mon, Aug 19 2013 1:07 AM

    There is an error -- I purchased $20 credits today but did not get the Ultra XP Boost ??

    What should I do to get it??

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Aug 19 2013 2:47 AM


    There is an error -- I purchased $20 credits today but did not get the Ultra XP Boost ??

    What should I do to get it??

    The offer finished 8 days ago.