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Re: Comodo Dragon

Fri, Dec 19 2014 1:45 PM (22 replies)
  • snoops34
    2,694 Posts
    Thu, Dec 18 2014 4:05 PM


    Just switched to Comodo about a week ago due to subtle but annoying stutter factors with Maxthon and Chrome, at least on my system. Comodo on my windows 8 blow them out of the water as you say. Finally have a smooth meter again after trying about 1/2 dozen others, and no lag time.

    Can't blame the meter anymore and can concentrate on the game on the way to Tour Legend.



  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Dec 19 2014 12:55 PM

    Comodo on my windows 8 blow them out of the water as you say.

    Good find and there's a few things you can do to keep it that way. Let it be the only browser you use to play and don't do anything else with it. Set the home page to the game client and drag the CD icon into your Quick Launch bar. Install Adblock and turn off CD updates.

    Use another browser to do stuff and when on the WGT site, if you get an invite to play, open CD and accept it there. Close the WGT page when you play. It doesn't take long to get used to the routine and it pays big meter dividends. At least it does for me, I haven't had meter problems in forever.  :-)


  • snoops34
    2,694 Posts
    Fri, Dec 19 2014 1:45 PM

    Yankee Jim,

    Thanks for the excellent advice. This will keep me in the game. It is much appreciated and way better than learning the long hard way.

    Update....I now have turned off updates. Thanks Jim.