I hear clean this and clean that.. but to much cleaning is bad and can make websites run slow... I havnt cleaned my computer in months.. I dont see any need to.. The more you play the more data is saved to your computer from WGT and by not cleaning it your computer can find what it needs faster, for you have already shown your computer where to find it..
In the long run it doenst matter what browser you use.. WGT works on all of them...
Note to all.... If you are not running @ 2.2 ghz or more.. THIS GAME WILL NOT RUN SMOOOOOOOOOOOTHLY!! IT JUST WILL NOT.... for the some that can get it to work without 2.2ghz.. good for you JACK!! Your computer is gifted..
I can run anything I want along side WGT, just have to be careful with that dam youtube.... It likes to suck the 20mb data you are connected to..
IF one of the four in your match/round doesnt have processor speed YOU ALL DONT....
Your only as fast as your weakest COMPUTER!
If your playing with a wireless connection, You can never call out WGT is to blame.. Its just that simple.