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Re: will this ever improve

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Fri, Aug 16 2013 6:24 AM (18 replies)
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  • hanssd1
    53 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2013 4:41 PM

    Sooo I guess with no explanation ever from WGT, and the googan trolls waiting for any kind of opportunity to pretend like they are smart, if you don't like it, you should all just go away like all the top players are. No use in complaining any longer. Nobody cares. The game has flaws, issues, burps, hiccups and downright problems at times. I play with some good people, and play with some of the biggest crybaby quitters I've ever known. It's the good people that keep me playing. The game makes mistakes. It happens---although the aforementioned forum trolls are perfect---it does. So I will cuss the game, the dog and girlfrined will give me a "really dude" look and I will play on.

  • indianlove
    98 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 2:48 AM


    These threads crack me up.  I hit the ding a lot and my shots don't go "where there supposed to....."  Figure it out or Deal with it!  Just because you think you hit the ding and have the arrow where you think it is going to go doesnt mean it is going there.  How boring would this game be it that was the case.  I hit the ding yesterday stright tailwind and it went about 5-7yds left of the flagstick....who cares, make the fricking putt and move on.  You can't hit the fairways, hit the greens and "tap in" every single shot.  People keep thinking this game is suppose to be easy, if you want easy then play Tiger Woods.  (on a side note) Even better, everyone blames their bad shots on "I got metered"...yeah maybe you did, but man up when you "F" up.  I am so tired of everyone who doesnt hit the fairway or green blamming it on getting "metered"


    wait for it! I believe you would have felt the same way if you dinged a shot and there is no wind on the course ( like in this weeks ul play tournament) and you end up 5 yards away on either sides???? i know that distance is something i have to control but even after hitting the perfect distance and ding you expect yourself to be in that 3 yards zone, dont you???? all i am saying is that i ain't getting it



  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 6:09 AM


              Funny comment,  I'm using the L 79 Bladez and am not having any problem with them.

  • pjctas0822
    4,622 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 8:09 AM

    These threads crack me up.  I hit the ding a lot and my shots don't go "where there supposed to.....

    Some people do experience this ding bug. Search the forum and you will see there are quite a few that do. I am one of those but it has improved over the past few updates for sure.

  • WakeIsland
    213 Posts
    Thu, Aug 15 2013 8:49 AM



    These threads crack me up.  I hit the ding a lot and my shots don't go "where there supposed to....."  Figure it out or Deal with it!  Just because you think you hit the ding and have the arrow where you think it is going to go doesnt mean it is going there.  How boring would this game be it that was the case.  I hit the ding yesterday stright tailwind and it went about 5-7yds left of the flagstick....who cares, make the fricking putt and move on.  You can't hit the fairways, hit the greens and "tap in" every single shot.  People keep thinking this game is suppose to be easy, if you want easy then play Tiger Woods.  (on a side note) Even better, everyone blames their bad shots on "I got metered"...yeah maybe you did, but man up when you "F" up.  I am so tired of everyone who doesnt hit the fairway or green blamming it on getting "metered"


    wait for it! I believe you would have felt the same way if you dinged a shot and there is no wind on the course ( like in this weeks ul play tournament) and you end up 5 yards away on either sides???? i know that distance is something i have to control but even after hitting the perfect distance and ding you expect yourself to be in that 3 yards zone, dont you???? all i am saying is that i ain't getting it

    I have played enough to know NOT TO EXPECT anything from my shots, all I can do it concentrate on hitting it straight and trying to hit the ding.  I have not played UL tournaments but would assume that with UL it would be even worse.  There is no such thing as PERFECT distance in this game.  VEM on this is very inconsistant, I accept that and move on with my next shot.  Again, nothing easy about this game.  GL

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2013 5:26 AM



    These threads crack me up.  I hit the ding a lot and my shots don't go "where there supposed to....."  Figure it out or Deal with it!  Just because you think you hit the ding and have the arrow where you think it is going to go doesnt mean it is going there.  How boring would this game be it that was the case.  I hit the ding yesterday stright tailwind and it went about 5-7yds left of the flagstick....who cares, make the fricking putt and move on.  You can't hit the fairways, hit the greens and "tap in" every single shot.  People keep thinking this game is suppose to be easy, if you want easy then play Tiger Woods.  (on a side note) Even better, everyone blames their bad shots on "I got metered"...yeah maybe you did, but man up when you "F" up.  I am so tired of everyone who doesnt hit the fairway or green blamming it on getting "metered"


    wait for it! I believe you would have felt the same way if you dinged a shot and there is no wind on the course ( like in this weeks ul play tournament) and you end up 5 yards away on either sides???? i know that distance is something i have to control but even after hitting the perfect distance and ding you expect yourself to be in that 3 yards zone, dont you???? all i am saying is that i ain't getting it



     And you won't consistently for various reasons, this is where putting is paramount.

    Read these:


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2013 5:34 AM

    NOT TO EXPECT anything from my shots

    Better stats than the ones you have are entirely possible.  Better calcs or whatever? By all means hit me up for a game if you like.  No great shakes but something apart from the game must be responsible for 19 feet to the pin with your equipment.\

    VEM on this is very inconsistant

    No disrespect but 19 feet to the pin it's not possible to pick that.

    Again, nothing easy about this game.  GL


  • Timnator
    273 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2013 6:24 AM

    I've never spent a cent on this game, and I never feel "targetted", some of you are just tripping out.

    I play the UL Tournaments a lot. This week the 9 hole has zero wind. Yes, I have dinged shots and seen them go slightly off-line, but 5-6 YARDS? Hardly.

    It all comes down to putting.

    BTW, I just shot a 28 in the unlimited 9 hole at CCC. I dinged a lot, but the biggest thing was knowing the distance, and I putted very well.

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