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Re: STOP DAILY RESET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rated by 0 users
Thu, Aug 15 2013 3:15 PM (8 replies)
  • happel
    54 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 2:12 PM

     I KNOW I am not alone in venting my frustrations... Seriously, knock it off. It's annoying. Just cut having everyone logged off every afternoon.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Thu, Aug 15 2013 4:13 AM

    Daily re-set? Sorry but I have no idea what you mean.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Aug 15 2013 5:27 AM

    My guess is one of two things-either he's getting logged off unintentionally or he has to log in every time he visits the site. Cookies deal with the second idea-they have to be enabled- and I've seen the first idea a few times when WGT does whatever they do to cause it accidentally. Very rare for me.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Thu, Aug 15 2013 12:36 PM

    It sounds like the OP's computer/browser has been set to clear cookies once a day.

    I log out each time I leave WGT and I clear cookies several times a day.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Aug 15 2013 2:02 PM


     I KNOW I am not alone in venting my frustrations... Seriously, knock it off. It's annoying. Just cut having everyone logged off every afternoon.


    that's your browser. I bet you are using chrome so when you exit it clears it all. you can go under the hood and uncheck that option.


  • happel
    54 Posts
    Thu, Aug 15 2013 2:30 PM

    No, it is not me, nor my browser. If that was the case, then in mid-match, it would seem reasonable that I would then be prompted to the time clock countdown; therefore both parties were kicked off their browsers simultaneously because of my poor cookie/browser settings? Nope. It's another fickle WGT thing. They are always sending shills in these forums to pass the buck. No sweat. I'll just keep playing for free and they will never get a dime from me.


    NO! I never use Chrome. Google is the most intrusive browser and company outside of Facebook, which I also do not use. 

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Thu, Aug 15 2013 2:43 PM

    It could be the regular clean up the server runs at set times ..... or even a cron job being run server side, making back ups and such, maybe even optimising the database.

    If the server as a cron job set to make a back up, it may first clear its own cookies and cache, which then will kick players and mean they have to re-log in next time.

  • happel
    54 Posts
    Thu, Aug 15 2013 2:50 PM

    That is likely what is happening. But around 4 - 5p EST. Maybe they are operating out of Western Samoa and that is nighttime backup to them. 

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Aug 15 2013 3:15 PM

    NO! I never use Chrome. Google is the most intrusive browser and company outside of Facebook,
    You can throw Windows and IE8 into that mix too...