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Re: Attention all WGT employees

rated by 0 users
Sun, Aug 18 2013 1:44 PM (9 replies)
  • mgbirish
    4,019 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2013 7:43 PM


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2013 11:49 PM

    For any issues or complaints to WGT, please use mail or the contact form below. You may have more luck than myself - I don't hold my breath for helpful answers any more.

    You may also inform yourself about the path to "Escalated NATION Customer Service", alas I'm afraid that you won't find any hint.

    Please note that WGT is not present here to answer all questions (Icon) nor to pay attention to what their customers say (CEO video chat).

    Therefore, please allow me to prepare this pic for you to print and hang on your wall for further memory:

    Edit: underlined clarification of reference

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Aug 17 2013 12:29 PM


    For any issues or complaints to WGT, please use mail or the contact form below. You may have more luck than myself - I don't hold my breath for helpful answers any more.

    You may also inform yourself about the path to "Escalated NATION Customer Service", alas I'm afraid that you won't find any hint.

    Please note that WGT is not present here to answer questions (Icon) nor to pay attention to what their customers say (CEO video chat).

    Therefore, please allow me to prepare this pic for you to print and hang on your wall for further memory:

    that's also not true:). you took my statement out of context.

    or goal here is to support the community and answer questions as needed. the ultimate goal of the community is not for us to answer every question or give advice or what club to use or what shot to hit but to support the backend of the community. to facilitate players interaction, such as what you were doing for a long time when you were extremely helpful to many:)

    I personally dont think it's my place to tell what club to use or what shot to hit or what browser to use. Those experiences are my own and we support several browsers, so each player should give their view to the party who asks a question, so they may get pro's and con's and then decide.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Aug 17 2013 1:47 PM

    that's also not true:). you took my statement out of context.
    Please accept my excuse - my memory was twisted by my bashing desire. I corrected it above.

    The correct quote from this thread is

    no it's not our job to answer every query because then we wouldn't be moderators but a help desk.

    Apart from the questions of personal preference and the unanswerable ones there are quite a few which only WGT would be able to answer.

    And I don't think that it's true to put my helpfulness in the past tense. It's still present - it has only become mixed with expressions of my negative experiences with WGT's attitude towards their clients as shown by three of their representatives (not you), and in these cases my memory serves me well.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 3:04 AM


    that's also not true:). you took my statement out of context.
    Please accept my excuse - my memory was twisted by my bashing desire. I corrected it above.

    The correct quote from this thread is

    no it's not our job to answer every query because then we wouldn't be moderators but a help desk.

    Apart from the questions of personal preference and the unanswerable ones there are quite a few which only WGT would be able to answer.

    And I don't think that it's true to put my helpfulness in the past tense. It's still present - it has only become mixed with expressions of my negative experiences with WGT's attitude towards their clients as shown by three of their representatives (not you), and in these cases my memory serves me well.


    yes you are right, there are questions which we can answer, however, many times I like to sit back and let the community handle it and step in if something needs clarifying. it's also worth searching for an answer, as you know, most questions have been answered many times before.

    many times if a person is new to the forums I would answer it straight up and other times just sit and wait. I go by saying that it's worth showing a person how to fish rather than hand them fish.

    If someone wants my input specifically, they can easily reach me via my wall :)


  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 7:45 AM

      I'm sorry you're having issues alosso my friend

    I'll tell you what - wgt support have ALWAYS - without fail - replied and answered all of my questions and in a right proper time too.  Even in my early days when I was less than polite.  I've come to realize that venomous writings are bad for everyone.  Keep calm - be respectful - and remember they are people too. 

    I'll provide a needed counter point and say wgt staff does a great job and put up with a heck of a lot.  Those that have answered my questions are nameless in the emails and I'm not sure who exactly it is responding but the've been beyond fair with me to say the least.



  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 11:10 AM

    Not that good record here Duff.

    Yes, one or two issues were solved "in the good old days", but not in the last year.

    The biggest laugh (not in my remarks above) was, when I asked if they might give me the name of a player who just left my CC (I didn't receive the usual mail with that information, the number dropped as the only sign to me), I was asked by WGT to tell them the name, then they'd might be able to help me - ROTFL!

  • Steve442
    710 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 12:50 PM

    but to support the backend of the community.

    I don't want or need my backend supporting thank you.

  • TheTigerEye
    259 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 1:44 PM


      I'm sorry you're having issues alosso my friend

    I'll tell you what - wgt support have ALWAYS - without fail - replied and answered all of my questions and in a right proper time too.  Even in my early days when I was less than polite.  I've come to realize that venomous writings are bad for everyone.  Keep calm - be respectful - and remember they are people too. 

    I'll provide a needed counter point and say wgt staff does a great job and put up with a heck of a lot.  Those that have answered my questions are nameless in the emails and I'm not sure who exactly it is responding but the've been beyond fair with me to say the least.


