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Re: online wgt help service

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Mon, Aug 19 2013 2:26 AM (8 replies)
  • jcr3
    5 Posts
    Sat, Aug 17 2013 4:28 AM

    Dear WGT,
      Since writing my previous letter I decided to go ahead and address some other concerns. Recently making Legend and wanting to try and clear up any previous issues that were causing me to lose so many balls, I worked very diligently to tune my system. There are quite a bit of things I found that could cause problems with the game.
    With that being said, I would like to introduce a newly much needed help service from WGT. This could even be a money making opt for WGT. I know everyone playing  and having issues would play and buy more if they could just get their systems working the best it could for playing WGT.
    I know it takes a good system to play this game, but some tweaking of systems that the average Joe may not be aware of would make a lot of  happier playing instead of just quitting and never playing again. Even if it had to be told to players that their system just was not up to par for this game and maybe tell them what is needed., but continuing playing with that system they would incur issues that could cost them some ball monies. Most online services are not aware of what changes and tweaks of systems are needed for this game. I am sure you get the idea behind this thought.

  • ScottHope
    10,663 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 2:19 AM
    I'm sorry but I don't agree with this...

    ~I know it takes a good system to play this game~

    WGTs stated system requirements are HERE. They are not going to produce a game which requires a high level system because they want as many customers to be able to enjoy this experience as possible, therefore the system requirements are quite low.

    (Just for the record, my own PC is over 7 years old now)

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 5:59 AM

    Just a thought....Those requirements are over 41/2 years old.  Try playing current PC games with requirements that are that old.  You will find that most of today's games won't even run.

  • jcr3
    5 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 7:18 PM

    Thanks for the reply,

     I also played with an at least 7 year old system before this one. experienced way more...well lets just go with the "meter issues" than before. Slowly but surely they became an issue again, You did not state if you have any "meter issues". Do you know what type of system plays flawlessly, or what system improvements will make it flawless, such as more ram or configuration ?


  • ScottHope
    10,663 Posts
    Mon, Aug 19 2013 2:04 AM

    I do have the occasional meter glitch, but nothing bad and frequent enough to make me think about upgrading my PC ( not that I can afford to anyway ) or give up playing.

    I don't know what type of system would play flawlessly, but I have seen posts from people with low level and high level systems complaining of meter issues. Personally, I think it is more to do with what your processor is doing whilst you are playing the game than anything else, but I have no hard facts to back that up. Just try to minimise as many unnecessary tasks as you can on your PC via the Task Manager or System Configuration but only if you know that the process you are stopping are not needed for your PC to function correctly. 

  • DynamiteTommy
    172 Posts
    Mon, Aug 19 2013 2:18 AM

    a live chat would be very highly productive. I know a lot of companies that do this and the customer service with that is superb