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Re: Tiered CC tournaments

rated by 0 users
Mon, Aug 13 2012 4:08 AM (4 replies)
  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Wed, Aug 11 2010 2:40 AM

    Having had discussions on our CC forum, we are keen to see some greater flexibility for setting up tournaments, in particular limiting tournaments to specific tiers (as with WGT made tourneys).

    Whilst our CC is competitive, it is rare to see a non-master player in the top 10 and it is commonplace for the same five players to win most tournaments. With larger CC's where there is a greater diversity of the playing standards, it would be good for other tiers to have a chance to win user made tournaments and in-turn it will increase playing activity within CC's.

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Wed, Aug 11 2010 5:41 AM

    A suggestion for now would to name the CC tournaments accordingly.   Bethpage Pro Tournament or something similar and then leave it in the hands of your members to follow the titles....



  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Thu, Aug 12 2010 1:13 AM

    Thanks for the reply BB; that's what we're doing at present but with nothing to stop an individual benefiting from an errant round, it's not exactly a fail-safe you can rely upon. I trust everyone in our CC to follow the instructions laid out; it'd just be nice to have to option to allow other tiers to have their own tournaments with knowledge that a master isn't going to come in by accident.

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Thu, Aug 12 2010 10:58 AM

    In your case i think you are talking about Premium CC tournament, and that is a risk right now for sure.   A one strike your out rule might be away to curb this behaviour.   Clearly mark the tournaments and someone abuses it, remove them from CC.  Simple.   


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Aug 13 2012 4:08 AM

    I agree with Jimbean on this issue, at the CC i belong to we have Tour Masters, Masters and Tour Pros. I have set up Tournys for Tour Pros and low and behold, the tour masters and masters still enter and play despite being clearly Marked TOUR PROS ONLY. In absense of the abilty to have specific tiers when setting up, I would recommend that you send the player a message saying that it is for the specific tier only and request they do not play the remaining rounds. If it is a single round tourny, sadly there is not much you can do.