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Howdy Yooz Guyz

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Wed, Aug 11 2010 11:29 AM (0 replies)
    12 Posts
    Wed, Aug 11 2010 11:29 AM

    I had introduced myself a while back and sort of just playing in the shadows. Turned pro and continued the same way. But could not better myself below 77-78. Then I decided to go to the forums and just read instead of solo play. Learned a few things. Great information to be had.

    I thought you had to have friends to join a game. Needless to say I just clicked join game and lo and behold I had a game. Very first game ever St . Andrews front nine. myself and one player both Pro, head to head, trading swats even. Birdied third hole the guy bails. I wrote down his avatar name.

    But I want to give a shout out to " tbucko " for the second game; St. Andrews front nine. We were even going on the 6th hole and my shot went to blue screen and a WGT error message. Timed out. Sorry tbucko did not mean to leave. Sort of strange playing against another player but it brought the best out in me. Thanks again. I do indeed need to get involved in playing and getting involved more.

    Third game picked up Jerika at Kiawah. She made some great shots. Keep it up. Birded a few holes and picked up the silver birdy. See ya around.

    I had knee surgery on July 9th to repair a torn Meniscus/ bone fragment removal. Go get injection on this Friday and will be able to go to partial weight bearing. One crutch. Getting closer to going back to work. A little too hot to play my favorite game of AH S***!! It is in the 100's here in Dallas Texas right now and will still be that way for a while, DANG. But just as well. Can not play anyway 'cept here at WGT.

    Just wanted to scribe a few words and wave 5.