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Re: ball selection

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Fri, Sep 6 2013 11:12 AM (6 replies)
  • clinton076
    2 Posts
    Tue, Sep 3 2013 12:02 AM

    can there be an option to choose another ball when you OB your last ball instead of going to standard

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Sep 3 2013 12:12 AM

    No. You get warnings when your ball is nearly worn out so you can buy then, but only balls of the same sort you are using. It follows real golf tournament guidelines.

  • deadheadkev
    41 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2013 3:50 AM

    yeh well in real golf i can get my ball from a hazard alot of times and not have to replace my ball .. not on wgt they take your balls and then you have to get a second job to pay for new balls ... with what wgt charges for clubs and bags and outfits they should give the balls away or make them  cheaper ... wgt knows exactly how to get the money out of your pocket .. I have paid 60-80 for other games in general this is the most expensive game out there as I have paid much more than that already ..

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Sep 5 2013 10:21 PM

    Comparing real balls to WGT balls is futile, it's only part of the picture.

    How much will a real golf game cost in total? Consider transportation, fees, drinks...

    How much does other favourite entertainment of yours cost?

    Here, it's only ball costs of probably less than 1 $ per 9 hole game (1 Cent with the cheapo WGT balls), and you always have the choice to play for free with Starter equipment and balls, not only for a test month but forever (at lower level, I concede).

    Isn't that budget entertainment?

  • deadheadkev
    41 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 4:05 AM

    sure people can play for free with crap equip and it will show in their game ... and a game of golf costs less than this game overall and its more fun to hang on the course with my friends and hit a real ball .. my friends don't leave the course and leave me hangin when they get pissed im kickin their ass in a game either and make me wait 5 minutes to see if they are coming back ... hey I like playing wgt golf I just don't like being taken advantage of with high prices and manipulated games .. they know exactly what to sell and when to sell it to you ...  I know its a business but in reality for what you get its the most expensive game out there

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 11:11 AM


    sure people can play for free with crap equip and it will show in their game ... and a game of golf costs less than this game overall and its more fun to hang on the course with my friends and hit a real ball .. my friends don't leave the course and leave me hangin when they get pissed im kickin their ass in a game either and make me wait 5 minutes to see if they are coming back ... hey I like playing wgt golf I just don't like being taken advantage of with high prices and manipulated games .. they know exactly what to sell and when to sell it to you ...  I know its a business but in reality for what you get its the most expensive game out there

    deadhead- within your statement above is your own admission that you are NOT playing this game with real friends yet you expect strangers to react the same as your real friends. You've only been here a couple of months. Find some friends you can trust. If you're not connecting with them through your country club, try another one. My friends here don't leave the game and leave me hanging when I'm kicking them and I don't leave them when they're kicking me. It's not that difficult to limit yourself to people you can trust.

    Financially, it's not that difficult to play this game in an economical manner. A quick look at your stats show you're playing over three games a day. Three rounds a day on a real golf course would break just about anybody's bank. You might be trying to go too far, too fast and it's costing a lot of money to do it.

    Patience is a virtue.


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 11:12 AM

    a game of golf costs less than this game overall

    Eliminating the cost of my real clubs and transportation, here's what I spent on my last round:  Green Fees: $75, New Ball: $4, Food and Beverages/Tip Excluded: $9 (note - beverages were non-alcoholic).  Nassau winnings ($4).  Total round cost: $84.  (Time to play said round: 5 ½ hours ... which really burns my hide!)

    I can easily get a few months out of the same $84 here using the 550 credit balls ... and that's playing several rounds every single day.

    my friends don't leave the course ... and make me wait 5 minutes to see if they are coming back

    I'd suggest playing with your virtual friends here ... it's a lot more fun that way ... and if they happen to disconnect, you're pretty much assured they experienced a computer issue and will be back as soon as they can.

    for what you get its the most expensive game out there

    While it does take a pretty sum to get great equipment here, the same can be said for real golf.  My equipment cost right around $2500, my gloves are $15 each and my preferred ball is $2 a round, if I choose to play it twice before it finds its way into my shag-bag ... and if you go out and play on a weekend (here), you're lucky to get in your round in under 5 hours ... so I think you're wrong with the most expensive game out there.  Real golf for me is the most expensive, but most rewarding game out there.  This game is extremely cheap by comparison and nearly as rewarding.

    Try to have some fun here ... play your multiplayer games with friends only and remember that it's just a game!  Try to enjoy it, even if your game went south!