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Re: multiple shot views (green view, Ledbetter)

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Fri, Sep 6 2013 11:39 PM (7 replies)
  • cblue456
    67 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 7:10 AM

    Musing on Ledbetter's article re course management, it would well serve WGT to have multiple views or cameras (as in what Links LS years ago would provide) so that a player would not have to wonder about green contours and then be surprised as to why a long approach shot could not hold the green (the surprise only tempered by experience or the short intro before each hole)

    The solution to this issue to have a green view that can be accessed from any shot, be it tee, 2nd shot (par 5) or approach. That, or a clickable inset that allows the play to further build a shot properly, aiming for the proper area of the hole.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 7:33 AM

    If the photos weren't taken then where would you get all these extra views from?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 7:41 AM

    The solution to this issue to have a green view that can be accessed from any shot, be it tee, 2nd shot (par 5) or approach.

    You can get this now by switching to the putting view and looking in reverse. Just choose the putter from wherever you are.

    I agree on what Links used to do. You could have several views open at the same time and watch the shot in each one. Here, though, one view at a time but that reverse putting view is a big help.  :-)

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 7:46 AM

    it would well serve WGT to have multiple views or cameras (as in what Links LS years ago would provide) so that a player would not have to wonder about green contours and then be surprised as to why a long approach shot could not hold the green

    I can't think of more than a couple holes that don't have multiple camera angles of the green. Even on the tee of a par 5 you can click on one of those cameras, switch to chip or pitch, move the aiming arrow on to the green, and zoom in to see the entire green's contours before hitting your approach.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 8:24 AM

    No offence intended, but I'd be surprised if you could hold all greens as a Master, with your equipment, e.g. the lvl 47 Raptures (?medium trajectory?) and a Starter wedge, and a GI-D balls (extra distance but no extra spin). BPB #4 is a nightmare for sure - play for bogey and hope for pars.

    Furtheron, rounds are short here and easily repeated. You might take notes on the difficult ones.

    Third, there are only a few pin positions. Not much variation concerning the notes or the memory.

  • cblue456
    67 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 11:36 PM

    I'm glad you remember LinksLS.   At least you could figure what part of the green to aim toward. That's the whole point here.  First time I played Merion, I had to guess, and had some nasty surprises. That shouldn't have to happen.
    CBS's current coverae of golf is above average, and their computerized fly-bys are exceptional. They even display where the greens are sloped in their intros. That's very helpful for the casual fan and for us players.  That is what I want.  We should have some idea as to what we're hitting on besides knowing the texture of the greens. We should be able to do proper shotscaping, if we're to follow Leadbetter's advice. The game should support that level of intelligence.

  • cblue456
    67 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 11:38 PM

    What I'm referring to is being able to click through to a proper view of the green, any time, and being able to see the slope so we can figure where to place the ball.   One click. Not multiple ones based on club selection.

  • cblue456
    67 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 11:39 PM

    Your post, I dare say, is out of order. I've already planned up upgrade my irons and wedges. Thanks for the criticism. Meanwhile, for the benefit of inexperienced players, or those new to some courses, it can't hurt having more visual clues to a hole instead of just the intro.