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Re: Equipment isn't keeping up with tier advancement

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Sat, Sep 14 2013 12:10 PM (5 replies)
  • ButchUndies
    29 Posts
    Thu, Sep 12 2013 7:58 PM

    I just advanced to the "Tour Master" tier, I am only level 51.  Judging from the member list, the vast majority of tour masters are in the 80's and 90's and have access to most of the high level equipment that is forbidden to me.

    If the purpose of different tiers is to level the playing field, it is counter-productive to allow some players advantages that others within that tier cannot use.  It seems to me equipment restrictions should be entirely based on tier, in fact I don't see the purpose of levels at all within this game other than to artificially handicap newer players.

    Now it feels like since I didn't play the system I am at a serious disadvantage. 

  • neilecramer
    106 Posts
    Fri, Sep 13 2013 1:45 PM

    You can be competitive and even win TM tourneys with Master equipment.  I tiered up to TM about the same time you did and I didn't notice much difference between Master and TM tiers. Same tees. Slightly faster greens. The competition is only marginally better. The L59 G20s aren't far off and they will instantly improve your game.

    A word of advice: do not tier up to Legend until you are firmly in the 80s. To be competitive from the Legend tees, you need Legend equipment. When I say competitive - I'm talking top 100 in the tourney standings...not wins, and not top 10's, which is how I would have defined 'competitive' in earlier tiers. At Legend, you can finish 3 shots off the lead and not finish top 100 or earn any credits.

    So pump the brakes a little and enjoy the ride. Master and TM is where I had the most fun here. :)

  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Fri, Sep 13 2013 2:55 PM

    Butch, you have come a long way in a short period. Looks like you have a great game. Enjoy your success. I was in a similar situation over a year and a half as i turned legend at level 69 with only a driver that was rated at 270 and irons that were less than sufficient. As neil said, the g 20 irons are very good at lvl 58. Also the g 20 3 wood will help you  game tremendously. The driver you have is a great driver until you get to lvl68 where the calloway driver is a beast (so ive heard). Play your game and enjoy the ride. Competition build character. You will make a great tour legend.Also if you have the resources the level up bars will help you get to lvl 58 quicker.

  • ButchUndies
    29 Posts
    Fri, Sep 13 2013 7:39 PM

    Thanks for the advice, particularly on upcoming equipment upgrades, as well as the votes of confidence.

    I want to compete on a level playing field, I have no interest in sandbagging and I can't understand the mentality of people who do, or how they can find any sense of accomplishment in cheated victories. I didn't put much thought into figuring out how the system works much less how to game it, I was naive in thinking that by simply playing my best I would rise to the level of competition suited to my skills.

    Since I posted this I've been browsing the forums, and I see that I am far from the first to bring this up. From a player's standpoint it doesn't make sense, but I realize now that it's all about forcing players through a parade of expensive equipment upgrades, ball sleeves, and power-ups.

    Now it sounds like my options are to either grind levels in practice mode for the next month, or start throwing rounds on hole 18 if they aren't going to place me well to keep my average from falling too low while my levels catch up.

    Thanks again for the helpful advice, so far I feel at home in this tier, particularly since I've had a few rounds to get used to the tournament greens.  Also I've been itching for new irons for awhile and I can't wait for the G20's, maybe then I can stick some of these fast greens.

  • neilecramer
    106 Posts
    Sat, Sep 14 2013 12:39 AM


    Since I posted this I've been browsing the forums, and I see that I am far from the first to bring this up. From a player's standpoint it doesn't make sense, but I realize now that it's all about forcing players through a parade of expensive equipment upgrades, ball sleeves, and power-ups.

    Now it sounds like my options are to either grind levels in practice mode for the next month, or start throwing rounds on hole 18 if they aren't going to place me well to keep my average from falling too low while my levels catch up.

    I fell into the same trap Butch. Playing under-equipped should help improve ones game, though. It will force you to play a variety of shots and more importantly, learn some course management. After grinding it out for a few months, one should have developed an all-around game that doesn't rely too heavily on one or two aspects. Only then can we throw darts with the L90 R11s!

    Wish I could tell you how to keep your average in check. I guess practice rounds is the best way. Also, you can play the tougher courses more regularly in your RR's. Less St. Andies/Kiawah and more Merion/Oakmont. Avoid multiplayer rounds as they could tier you up despite having an insufficient average for the next tier. Good placement in Ready Gos has the same effect(except the tiered ones) so be careful with those too.


    Thanks again for the helpful advice, so far I feel at home in this tier, particularly since I've had a few rounds to get used to the tournament greens.  Also I've been itching for new irons for awhile and I can't wait for the G20's, maybe then I can stick some of these fast greens.

    The G20's will indeed stick to most greens and are more than sufficient from the master tees.The stats show only 2.5 dots forgiveness, but they stay on target except for the really bad misses. However, I find that they are marginal from Legend tees. The trajectory and spin is still too low for those long iron approaches to hold anything except the most receptive greens. But I suppose you'll cross that bridge when you get to it.

    Until then, enjoy TM while you can. You may be a Legend before you know it. :)



  • adtjoel
    124 Posts
    Sat, Sep 14 2013 12:10 PM

    I hit Master at level 40 and Legend at level 70 (within 80 days of joining) and had problems both times.

    Back then it was a serious problem. However, there are decent clubs that will cut it for you now.

    I was often in the rough even if I dinged the Tee shot because I just did not have the distance.

    Getting the R1 will cut it from the Legend Tee - let alone the master tee. You don't need to upgrade the irons, if anything it will help - it is better to take a while to change tier. Ideally 79 / 81 is the earliest time you want to hit Legend. I had the lvl 59 G20s on the legend Tee, the irons were fine but again serious distance issues with the driver and wood.

    The Callaway x-hot at 67 is great for the Legend Tee (I prefered it to my 280yrd G20 when I rented it)  as is the R1 and the huge amount of forgiveness on both of those clubs compensates for a fraction less distance.

    The g20 at 81 is just a tiny bit longer, not expensive and without question is a Legend Tee driver.

    The Rocketbladez irons at 79 are excellent irons that make a big difference from the Legend Tee.

    I personally think everything should be tier based or at the very least tier or level based. A lot of the new low level equipment is now just abused in Skins games by level 50+ hack and amateurs reaching the green off the Tee on most par 4 holes.