Just played a game as a pro against a tour master and was basically called a cheat .First hole i sank a 52ft putt...pure luck,and he was having a nightmare start to the game.He ended up 2 holes down in the first 4 holes I think.Then asked me if i was using a putting aid (which I wasnt) I dont even use the pal aids.Anyway he pulled back to AS at final hole and was making comments about legit shots even though i had missed some easy putts.Despite 2 disconnects from his end we went to an extra hole i sank a 19ft putt to win and for him this was obviously proof i was cheating some how!!!.I dont cheat, i would never cheat what is the point?
Why couldnt he just accept that he started bad i had 2 lucky putts and he lost rather than me winning and now beacause I won ended up becoming Tour Pro.