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Re: Unexpected errors

rated by 0 users
Wed, Sep 18 2013 2:09 PM (7 replies)
  • Rabbit274
    1,178 Posts
    Mon, Sep 16 2013 7:48 AM

    Not a suggestion as such but getting a bit miffed about being tossed out of a round because "you have disconnected 3 times" when I haven't - especially when playing match play for credits. Not bothered about losing credits legitimately - that's part of the game, but when it is a WGT glitch or glitches that cause the throw out, it does seem a bit unfair!

    Is there a way to differentiate between player disconnects and WGT disconnects so that this doesn't happen?

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Sep 16 2013 11:54 AM


    as far as I know, there is no way to differentiate between disconnects. To a computer, a disconnect is a disconnect. Not much can be done to differentiate afaik,


  • Rabbit274
    1,178 Posts
    Tue, Sep 17 2013 3:07 AM



    as far as I know, there is no way to differentiate between disconnects. To a computer, a disconnect is a disconnect. Not much can be done to differentiate afaik,


    Thanks for the response - I know computers don't differentiate - but programmers can insert a couple of lines of code to determine whether it is the host/server that has caused the problem or whether it is the client. If it is the host/server, then the client should not be penalised. Perhaps you should pass this over to the developer team

  • Rabbit274
    1,178 Posts
    Wed, Sep 18 2013 5:28 AM


    It is more than likely either your or your opponents systems causing the issue. Even if your system is set up & running perfectly, if someone else in the game has a system not running correctly, it will throw you out all the same.

    Therefore you are at the mercy of not only your own, but anyone's system that you play.

    All you can do is follow the suggestions in these forums to maximize your system & hope for the best on your opponents end.            :-)

    Thanks for your input. You weren't to know, but I have been a software and hardware engineer for 32 years and I know how to keep my computer clean.

    You are somewhat missing the point. The match I was playing was for 90 credits (not much I know) but was up 1 going to the 8th. I know it wasn't my system playing up and I don't think it was my opponents either. But to award him the win seems very unfair. Maybe an annulment would be better than arbitrarily awarding a win - whoever it is.

    I am making a suggestion that would perhaps prevent players from being aggrieved at an unfair result.

  • DRogers5864
    368 Posts
    Wed, Sep 18 2013 12:08 PM

    with the sinister way to cause a disconnect WGT should null the game and no credits awarded...