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Re: invites

rated by 0 users
Tue, Oct 1 2013 12:20 PM (3 replies)
  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Tue, Oct 1 2013 11:24 AM

    Suggestion for game invitations.  When receiving an invite, it would be nice to know that you also have someone from your friends list in the same game.  For example, many times I've been invited by a friend to a game, but there are not enough players, so the friend says.."you have anyone green"...If he./she then invites that person, they often decline right away because the invitation comes from someone they don't know...If the invite said   "game invite from xxxx you have 1 friend currently in this game"...People may be more inclined to accept invitations from people they don't know.....

    Or not.....just an idle idea.

  • GegoGreen
    1 Posts
    Tue, Oct 1 2013 11:29 AM

    In the beginning when I received a friend invite I accepted and now my friends list is too big and no more friend show if I accept .. how can I remove some of the names in my list?

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Oct 1 2013 12:01 PM

    That thought had also crossed my mind, so it must be a great idea!  ;o)

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Tue, Oct 1 2013 12:20 PM

    how can I remove some of the names in my list