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Re: Putting on the greens

rated by 0 users
Tue, Oct 8 2013 11:56 AM (1 replies)
  • Syarul168
    4 Posts
    Tue, Oct 8 2013 3:34 AM

    Hi everyone, I would appreciate very much if anyone can help me with putting issues.

    I'm using TaylorMade Spider putter. I just couldn't get the speed and the breaks right on the greens. I have troubles comprehending the speeds on the green, 'very fast and tournament', I mean, which one is faster and slower?

    I can read the grids, either left to right or otherwise, so normally what I do is just putt before or after the optimum line to make it a hook or a slice following the breaks. Sometimes it works when I'm lucky enough, but mostly it's bust.

    I get on the greens in regulation, 5,6,7 feet away from the cup, the problem sets in.

    Looking forward to some help and really appreciate them.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Oct 8 2013 11:56 AM



    tournament is faster than very fast, championship is fastest.

    there are 2 guides that should be able to help you. I would read them first and then practice basics after and see if it helps your game (quite a bit more advanced)

