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Re: 0 yard shot

rated by 0 users
Fri, Oct 11 2013 9:28 PM (9 replies)
  • Waland
    6 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 9:03 AM

    Ok here we go. My bad for getting stuck in the weeds and so now I set up the shot and it goes"0". How can this happen when I can hear the club hitting the ball. Is it just rolling over the top or a glitch? I would think it should at least go a yard and nope still shows "0". Used different clubs and even a unheard of backspin.


  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 10:35 AM

    Remember that when it is saying 0 for distance, that means 0 yards. Yes you hear the club contact the ball but maybe it only moved 1 foot or 2.5 feet or just a few inches.  Unless it moves at least 3 feet, it won't move any yards.


    Keep that in mind also on short game shots (flops, pitches, chips and including putts)

    The aim arrow may show 12 feet or 12 yards but try adjusting the aim arrow both nearer and further from the hole, the length just may be on the verge of the next increment or just at said increment. 

    A12 yard pitch just might be 12 yards and 2.5 feet in actual distance, very very close to being 13 yards but not actually quite there so the read out says 12.

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 10:37 AM

    Try a "PUNCH" shot - full power.  More info on several threads in "SEARCH" over here >>>>

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 10:40 AM

    Try a "PUNCH" shot - full power.


    This^^^  I forgot to even mention punch lol,  was too focused on the 0 yards part. :)

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 11:14 AM


    Ok here we go. My bad for getting stuck in the weeds and so now I set up the shot and it goes"0". How can this happen when I can hear the club hitting the ball. Is it just rolling over the top or a glitch? I would think it should at least go a yard and nope still shows "0". Used different clubs and even a unheard of backspin.


    What shot did you set-up? That could very well be where the problem lies.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 12:39 PM


    depends on the weeds, but in general, you have to use wedge with punch option to get it. from 30-40 weeds, you may get a longer club in.


  • Waland
    6 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 2:19 PM

    Woud you set the backspin at anything other than default for height or leave it where it is. I have gotten out of bunkers that way

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 3:05 PM


    Woud you set the backspin at anything other than default for height or leave it where it is. I have gotten out of bunkers that way

    Good Question.

    I might drop the dot a fraction and always play safe.  With thick weeds far from green, it's sometimes best to hit for fairway..  sideways if you have to


  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 3:17 PM

    Looking for accuracy out of the weeds is a lot like playing the lottery - it'd be neat if it ever happened but I wouldn't bet my 'first born' on ever having it happen!.(So I'm betting their inheritance on it instead)

    Aim for the closest fairway out of the weeds & wack away - (Yes - preferably with a wedge)

    As your experience grows and you get better equipment, one thing won't change - (that last advice!!)  Once you get your ball out of the weeds (even if it's only into the 40-50% rough), then you can try to worry about spin & accuracy.

    You are doing well, please don't over think this stuff  --  : ))

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 9:28 PM

    Would you set the backspin at anything other than default for height or leave it where it is. I have gotten out of bunkers that way

    Unless I'm missing something, I can't answer this since I have no clue about the specifics of the shot. I did, however, take a look at your profile, history and CC makeup.

    I did this only on the basis of the intelligence of your question. I predict that you will be one of the great players in your CC, one who everyone seeks out for advice. 

    There's much solid advice to be gleaned from these pages. If you haven't discovered this section yet, give it a try. Daunting to go through, but, mayhap worth the effort. 

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