Links to courses on are not working (for me at least).
Anyone having the same problem ?
Is there a workaround available ? / Anyone know the address to one of the courses (preferably merion) or even one of the holes (Merion, 3rd), so I don't have to play a whole round to get my cdp bonus ?
Works well here. Perhaps you have Javascript issues?
Try this (Merion, 3rd) for your CDP.
Thx Alosso. That's working for me. You are btw right about the javascript issues. When I right click the link, select "copy link location", "BLOCKED SCRIPT;" is what I get to paste. Any suggestions on the sollution, besides a reinstallation of java ? Thx again.
This is what I can get on Chrome but I don't know if it works for other browsers.
Right click on the page to get menu A, click 'view page info' to get menu B, then you can check the javascript permission options, menu C.
Rockitch: Any suggestions on the sollution,
Use a different browser. Always works for me when that happens and you can get your one holer in that way.
Thx for the replies. Problem is on both browsers I use; Firefox and comodo dragon, both portable, both where just fine until recently. Could be windows update messed things up about last week or so. Going with the java un-/re-install.