Just out of curiosity, has anyone experienced different green speeds in 1 single game lately? No? you will, no doubt. I guarantee that when somebody is playing a game in the near future, the green speeds will display Tournament, but will actually give you between tournament to fast green speeds in the 1 game.
It just happened to me today. 6 foot putt on a 1 inch downhill hit with a 6 foot putt on a 30 foot increment going 4 feet? Then the next hole has me with a 29 foot putt with a 2 inch uphill, hit with
24 foot of power on the 60 foot increment, and it goes 40 feet, and off
the green? Yep, 60 foot increment was the correct power used, because
when you are me, you make sure you check every single shot before you
take it.
Yes Two, i seen that yesterday at St. Ands. The green speed was listed as Champ, but had several putts that were fast speed without a doubt.
I find the putting changed since last downtime. Rechecked putt and no doubt was fast speed.
If i hear one more azz kisser i'm going to puke. Fecking whole head must be brown now.
Have a nice day........hehe.