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Re: Points for the next Level.

rated by 0 users
Sun, Nov 3 2013 4:50 PM (6 replies)
  • Anonymous69
    48 Posts
    Sun, Oct 20 2013 12:30 AM

    Level 91/ Current Points now: 594151 and for Next Level at: 664469.

    70318 for the next, I receive  a misery of points at the end of the game, I never receive 1.000 points or more, maybe 800 or 900, 1.000 or a bit more is hard, always of 50 for 500.This is correct ??? this is nonsense  to me. I will play for the rest of my life for buy the best of all Drivers in the Level 98 ??? is easy die, before it happens.The site create a Driver for 287 YDS and was for Level 93, was removed of the list of Drivers, at this time,  I received a e-mail talking about "Speed Boost" for Level, ha ha ha. Machine of money ???

    This game is a joke to me now !!! I'm out of this machine now !!! Lamentable...

    sry my english, is basic, I used google for help me

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Oct 27 2013 1:11 AM

    Yes, the steps become very long for high levels, exceeding 100.000 XPs above lvl 92.

    Blitz and CTTH give only little XPs, multiplayer games last long and bear the risk of disconnection or quitting, thus less recommendable for any numbers (XPs, average). Play them just for fun.

    Best XPs come from the "continuous days played bonus", CDP, which maximizes to 880 XPs after six days. Be careful to play once every day in GMT (UTC 0) time. If short on time, just play one hole via the WGT Community / Golf Courses tab. It counts (882 XPs minimum), just like any practice round (see 3 holes random practice).

    Good and reliable XPs come from strokeplay games, and these are doubled for tournaments.

    9 holes: regular 95 / tournament 190 XPs, 18 holes: 200 / 400 XPs.

    Add 1 XP per stroke.

    Thus, a single game like 18 hole tournament with CDP may add to 880 + 400 + 61 = 1341 XPs.

    My nickel: Stay away from XP boosts, expensive with little reward.

    And, don't play for numbers, just play for fun - it's a gaming and recreation site!

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sun, Oct 27 2013 6:36 AM

    Also collecting awards 360 diamond, 180 crystal, 90 platinum, etc. This works well if you play the free or paid tourneys and can place platinum or above, all those little trophies can add up. Playing paid tourneys has its risks tho. Not sure if those apply to CC tournies as well but worth looking into, if CC is small and you get awards for placing in those tourneys that could give you a decent pull. Can also play par 3 ranked. get same points as a full par course with less hits on your balls (that sounded not too nice) plus it doesn't affect your average, but it does affect your stats, should you care about either

  • Anonymous69
    48 Posts
    Sat, Nov 2 2013 6:00 AM

    ty all for the tips and your lost time in my help, but I'm talking about points, "points to next level", I just think this is wrong, this game is based on real life or not  !? I'm legend and I play in course "champion black" like all legends and for me: clubs and balls is money, you can buy: you buy, you cant buy: patience,  not buy: I can buy the last driver for play trying a better game but I cant buy ball of 300, 400, 500 cr or more and all the time, patience, I will cry !? ha ha ha ha, never, I never will cry, I cant, simple. a driver I can and using a better driver I hit a better game for a better fun and using a simple ball like wgt tour s or wgt tour s d, I'm playing on "Bs P 5 Holes" now, I'm hitting a nice game there and using a simple ball of 10cr "b-xd", but in another course is hard, on St Andrews Front 9, you play using the driver "MAX" L91+ and a simple ball and having a simple wind in 10 MPH to down, you play like a hack in various rounds. Level for buy driver ??? wrong, just wrong !!! to me the correct is title and course for buy clubs, rules are created, but can be modified, if all players require a modification, it happens, but all players be quiet, it never happens.... and now!? 80.000, 90.000 points or more to next level is correct for you??? SRY, I cant be quiet, to me is wrong and

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Nov 3 2013 10:32 AM

    SRY, I cant be quiet, to me is wrong and

    A proper reply to your ranting may be unavailable.

    Alas, keep in mind that you have a choice:

    Take it or leave it, simple as that!

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Nov 3 2013 10:45 AM

    You now play only Blitz??? Why do you care about a driver anyway?

    At your level no one would be losing money after say 50 RGs because of the lack of equipment available to them in any form of the game.    I don't get the rant and apologies if I missed some point.

  • Anonymous69
    48 Posts
    Sun, Nov 3 2013 4:50 PM

    Send a e-mail to the "site" and the guys send a e-mail in return: post your comments in foruns, complaints, problems and ideas are always observed there, but my post was a great error, looking well in various post, the players always ready for spew your sarcasm and talking like a great player. talk about my mode of play or about your mode of play not a good idea, I can spew my sarcasm about all time of game here and not is a good history... various great players can be offended at this history, the truth offends very easy.

    - Just trying buy the last driver !!! I cant !?!? rules can not be modified !?!?

    - for the rest of the life equal to dogs trained !?

    - pls, not spew your sarcasm in my post, just agree or not, or be quiet !!!