The other day I was on hole 9 on st andys front right in front of the green and lined up my pitch. I swung back and an Unexpected error message came up. I closed the screen and reloaded to finish the game no big deal right.Well the exact same thing happened two more times and we all know what happens then: kicked out saying I disconnected 3 times.
I was frustrated so I sent them a question as to what was going on. Their reply:
There are numerous reasons why this could happen Did you check the troubleshooting tips?
Did I check the troubleshooting tips? No why would I it has nothing to do with my computer. Everything was working perfectly up to that point. When things go awry on our end the game kicks you to the lobby it never comes up with the UNEXPECTED ERROR message.
I explained that I just wasted half hour of my time lost out on xp points lost time on my max ball and its also not good for your completion percentage.
They refused to reply to me when I wrote them back explaining my point.
You would think that they would say something like they were sorry for the inconvenience instead of trying to put the blame back on me. I guess that's easier than admitting fault.
Does anyone out there ever get that message? If so, Was it do to your computer? I'll bet it wasn't.
The worst part is I was 5 under at the time chipping for eagle lol