I'd like to sell my TaylorMade TaylorMade ATV 60° Wedge (L14+). But in the page to do so, I can't select it, and it does not go on ! Who can help me ?
please make sure you are not currently equipping it. once you replace it, you should be able to sell it :)
If you have more than one 60, you have to make sure all or both are not equipped.I had the same problem.
Are you sure you don't want to sell the Snake Eyes one?
courteneyfish: Are you sure you don't want to sell the Snake Eyes one?
Thanks for your question, Courteneyfish, but I exactly want to sell the Taylor, which is 60° to buy the Taylor 64°, keeping my Snake Eyes 56°.
Hello ! Thanks for your answer, but my problem is solved since yesterday ! In fact I did not know that to sell an equipment , it was first necessaty to take it out of may bag. Every thing is OK now !