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Re: Another question about chipping

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Fri, Oct 25 2013 6:50 AM (13 replies)
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  • fitzroy1965
    337 Posts
    Thu, Oct 24 2013 12:16 PM

    I would use pitch shot for that,prolly lob wedge or maybe sand wedge. No cut and dried answers here, you have to practice and experiment to find out what works best for you.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Thu, Oct 24 2013 12:32 PM

    With a good set of wedges you can still use a flop in excess of 40% lie successfully providing you are less than 20yds. For 40-50% rough I add approx 8-9 yds to my flop shot using my Clevelands regardless of the distance for flat and uphill, less for extreme downhill elevations and be within 2 feet or less most of the time. Over 20 yds I prefer using a punch. To each their own, whatever you practice and get consistant with is what counts.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Thu, Oct 24 2013 6:35 PM


    So if you are further than 6 yards, say 12 0r 14, and possibly in the rough, what club would you choose and would you chip or flop or ???

    Pretty much as Courtney says; everyone is slightly different, BUT, my personal 'rules' 

    Chip max of 3yds from the green and only from the fairway, i.e. NEVER from the rough regardless of depth.

    More then 3 yds or ANY rough Pitch or Flop, (personally I prefer the flop right up to 30yds).

    Over 30yds from fairway full shot, (but watch the distance / spin it often needs an extra 4 - 6yds).

    Over 30yds from rough punch shot.


    WARNING (before Courtney points this out): My stats aren't great on this (partially because I don't give a rats ass about my stats), and other players will play slightly differently, but this does work, of course there may be better ways.

  • DimpleRook
    25 Posts
    Fri, Oct 25 2013 6:50 AM

    Bob, I use starter clubs...and the bottom line with these is - IF you are in rough (any percentage) around the green - you can NOT chip.  You have to be on fairway, or fringe.  When I am in even 10% rough, I use either flop, pitch, or full.  WGT will not let you use chip in any rough conditions.  It's just that simple.  By the way, another example of wgt programming the real world, I can use a driver off the deck (fairway) even though I suck at gold - shoot around 105.  But wgt seems to believe a golfer (starter clubs is al I know) can not do this so it's like a topped shot it I try I just have to play it there way.  WGT is so dumb, as you know, they default you in the rough around the greens to "chip" even if you can't.  They are quite bright!!

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