So if you are further than 6 yards, say 12 0r 14, and possibly in the rough, what club would you choose and would you chip or flop or ???
Pretty much as Courtney says; everyone is slightly different, BUT, my personal 'rules'
Chip max of 3yds from the green and only from the fairway, i.e. NEVER from the rough regardless of depth.
More then 3 yds or ANY rough Pitch or Flop, (personally I prefer the flop right up to 30yds).
Over 30yds from fairway full shot, (but watch the distance / spin it often needs an extra 4 - 6yds).
Over 30yds from rough punch shot.
WARNING (before Courtney points this out): My stats aren't great on this (partially because I don't give a rats ass about my stats), and other players will play slightly differently, but this does work, of course there may be better ways.