update now?? did I miss the notice???
Never mind. was only kicked of course do to frost.it's open now,But had to finish alone.
lost the other two player's..
Frost??? Way to early... LOL
WGT bs @1;24 pst.. was -2 after 3...just stupid
i was -9. :)
This seems to occur at least once a week of late - no updates just a crash. Perhaps Icon will give an explanation of why the occurences seem to be increasing. But I am playing less and less again and this is the third time in about as many weeks that I have seen - or am I the one crashing WGT lol.
It was probably due to the change in daylight savings time in the U.S.
Almost everyone had to turn their clocks back an hour Sunday morning at 2 AM.
So 2AM would be 1 AM at that time.