Just curious for some information from WGT:
I'd like to know how this affects my stats in the game? Assuming WGT actually do penalize players for the behaviour of another player, to what extent does is the damage to the innocent player's stats who was unlucky enough to have a partner that doesn't give a sh-it?
I only ask because I have had players disconnect on me about 60-70% of the time during Alt.shot.
This happens a lot and is nothing to do with arguments via in-game chat. Everything is going fine, everyone is getting on, then suddenly...disconnect. I can only surmise that this happens for one of the following reasons:
- because they suck and just can't keep up with the other three over 9 or 18 holes so just get fed up and leave.
- because they play a very bad shot and lose their patience and leave.
- because something else distracts them.
- because they just get bored or don't really care to play on.
....and the list goes on.
but these reasons are very common and it happens a lot, so it would be nice to hear from WGT to explain if, why and how they penalize the unfortunate player.
I know some people will say just play alt.shot with your friends but that doesn't always work out.