Golfers are thick..
Tiger, Jack, Nick etc
They get their caddies to work all that out, in this game work it out yourself, look at it, make a decision n hit to what you think is best, its called playing a game with a bit of skill.....
In real life i think golfers(for the amount of money they make) should have no help, & where the ball lands then tough, play it, isnt that what golf is about??
Aim at the hole, work it out & if you go astray, dont ask for a free shot coz u landed on a rabbit hit it there...no1 else 2 blame...take the score
They get their balls kicked bak in2 play,hit people on the head, free drops, rulings,people lookin for their balls, but at the end of the day....they hit it it there...no1 else!!
If you dont wanna hit it outa bounds, then dont rely on a local rule when u hit the old oak!!