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Re: Moderator boredom????

rated by 0 users
Fri, Nov 22 2013 8:47 AM (43 replies)
  • DoeCoba
    27 Posts
    Sun, Nov 17 2013 3:03 AM


    Does anyone know why the legend tier on monthly tournaments is the only one where a fee is being charged?

    Regards Doe

    96 Posts
    Sun, Nov 17 2013 2:47 PM

    Whoa!GLaRousse punked Agassi91!That was epic!(I'm trying to fan the flames....heh heh all in fun,people)As for WGT,is there a businessman who does NOT screw his customers out of as much money as they can?LOL,don't be like 12 year old kids looking at people in suits and ties.Presidents,CEOs,priests,WGT owners,they are all lying,get used to it.Why do you think there's a saying "giving someone the business"?Businessmen=scum.

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Nov 19 2013 5:33 AM

    don't be like 12 year old kids looking at people in suits and ties.

    And ????

    What exactly does this mean? How do 12 year old kids look at people in suits and ties?


    This is a fairly broad statement.

    Again, point being - no matter how strong and direct  to the point you are with WGT they will almost always evade, deflect and dodge a direct question. 

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2013 8:47 AM

    Again, point being - no matter how strong and direct  to the point you are with WGT they will almost always evade, deflect and dodge a direct question.

    And I have been "moderated". Go figure? They deleted my last post due to it's graphic nature no doubt, but who really wants to know the truth anyway? Let's all merry down the garden path and pretend to be happy little campers, shall we?

    Enough about the truth, it is much to painful to read. So shape up or ship out! Enough of your whining you ingrates, they are much to busy playing ping pong for your little triffles and minor squabbles.

    Surly I jest LOL. Have a nice day!