Friends show up on my Profile Page but not on Lobby players list. I just joined a new CC & I'm invited to play but I cannot return the favor. Any advice to fix this issue is greatly appreciated. Thanks,
Tyrones: Friends show up on my Profile Page but not on Lobby players list. I just joined a new CC & I'm invited to play but I cannot return the favor. Any advice to fix this issue is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ty
right now you have over 350friends... after you get to 255 or so, weird things start to happen. there is no way to fix it :(
WGTicon:right now you have over 350friends...
Don't think I've got that many hairs on my body....
WGTicon: after you get to 255 or so, weird things start to happen
And to keep the analogy going.......Shave ya list !! :-)
WGTicon: hi right now you have over 350friends... after you get to 255 or so, weird things start to happen. there is no way to fix it :( -wgticon
Not knocking you Icon, you're obviously doing the best you can in the circumstances, but in so many ways that reply sums up a lot of the problems with WGT right now!
Why would anyone need more than 250 anyway?
Chinajohn: WGTicon: hi right now you have over 350friends... after you get to 255 or so, weird things start to happen. there is no way to fix it :( -wgticon Not knocking you Icon, you're obviously doing the best you can in the circumstances, but in so many ways that reply sums up a lot of the problems with WGT right now!
You couldn't be more right.
Just wanted to say Thank You Icon for the information. I realized I had many "friends" that never sent or accepted invites. Issue resolved.