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Re: *** Downtime tonight 11/19/13 ***

Fri, Dec 13 2013 11:45 AM (114 replies)
  • WigerToods2010
    8,448 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2013 2:45 AM


    Has our beloved Andrew cracked the s_p_a_c_e_b_a_r  issue when using Chrome, per chance ?!?!?!

    I would think you've searched for the fix.   It was published months ago. I've always used Chrome & got rid of the spacebar issue a long time ago.

    Try here or here.     Been so long ago, I don't remember what I did, but I know I don't have the issue any longer.                         :-)

    Yeah hyena, the disabling of the pepper plug-in works fine for the spacebar issue.

    I actually posted  this months ago. Since then Adobe no longer support the version of flash I used to use.

    Unfortunately I prefer to play in full screen mode and with the plug in disabled the graphics are woeful.

    I can type/chat fine, just can't see what I'm typing. On the upside - the 'ding' line is about 3 times it's normal width!



  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2013 6:16 AM




    What the fuck are you talking about? The putting breaks are there from every camera angle.

    So, Juggss, are we allowed to say *** again on the forums or not?


    I thought that might have been part of the update to achieve greater realism.



    LOL   *** (just seeing if it worked for me)  ;-)

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2013 6:55 AM





    What the fuck are you talking about? The putting breaks are there from every camera angle.

    So, Juggss, are we allowed to say *** again on the forums or not?


    I thought that might have been part of the update to achieve greater realism.




    LOL   *** (just seeing if it worked for me)  ;-)

    LOL!!! This was GREAT,,,lol. 1st time ever Ive seen that word make it through,,lol.

  • juggss6
    121 Posts
    Fri, Dec 6 2013 9:53 PM


  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2013 11:45 AM



    **Edit....still didn't work lol