I'm looking to get a newer computer (desktop), and unless I go with iBuy/build (whatever it is), the only options are desktops with Win 8. I did buy one awhile back and returned it the next day because I hated that tile crap, and I spent more time enlarging/decreasing the fonts and resolution than actually using it. I have heard that some games (browser/flash/java based won't fill the screen/monitor all the way (similar to a laptop). I'm using a 7 yr old Vista right now and have no problems really, just want a faster processor and more ram (have 4gb now on a 32bit system). I use Comodo IceDragon and have never had a problem, other than a meter bullet maybe once a week or so, and the VEM is expected, so I don't get upset at errant shots that were supposedly hit correctly. Just wondering if it's worth the extra $100.00 to build one with Win 7 on it. Sorry for making a single question so long. I just like having the entire screen filled with the game client, profile, lobby, game, etc and no black sides, scroll bar at the bottom or the inch or two of dead screen. They say if it ain't broke don't fix it, but I would hate for this one to break and have to rush out and get one. Thanks for any help/advice on the Win 8 thing.
Looked through search and only found old posts from Jan. Was hoping things were better now, since Win 8 was not even designed to be used on desktops, anyway.