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Re: Scoring

rated by 0 users
Tue, Dec 17 2013 3:35 PM (1 replies)
  • ragtag72
    18 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 2:02 PM

    Seems strange that I jump way out when I first joined WGT. Bought lots of equip and really enjoyed my playing., but for months now I have played poorly, my speed winger is way toooo fast and not consistant at all. The real killer is that my score has stayed the same for several months now and I play almost all tournaments and some times play them twice or three times. Enjoyed this for a long time but I guess I just don't have the touch anymore. I am so tired of fighting that "swinger"..

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 3:35 PM

    You have purchased irons with a pretty fast swing meter and using the starter balls, you will need the reflexes of a racing snake if you play them, I would suggest purchasing a sleeve of balls with a high feel factor(more dots) not so much the higher level balls , maybe just a sleeve of the WGT endorsed ones, these will slow your meter down a hell of a lot, then learn your clubs at minimum cost ......

    As far as clubs go, the level 59 Ping G20 are well worth considering, slow meter and high loft, or if you can handle a little more speed but less than what you got at the moment, I personally would go for the level 75 speedblades ;-)

    Hope this helps bud, there's a plethora of info in the forum regarding clubs and balls.

    Don't give up.