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Re: Question about game

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Tue, Dec 31 2013 12:22 AM (4 replies)
  • Aaronl7
    23 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 11:59 AM

    Can somebody explain how this game works?

    Like I had 106 yards to hole, uphill 6 feet, 8 mph into the wind, I hit a full 9 iron that should go 112 yards, and I fly the ball over the green 116 yards, I don't get this.

    Is there a calculation like, every 1 mph into the wind = 1 yard loss? or a calculation for 1 foot uphill = 1 yard loss?

    Also when it says 20-25% lie and I have 100 yards to hole. Does this mean I want to use a club that will hit the ball 120-125 yards?

    Also how many yards (or %) does it take off when you put the dot on the bottom of the ball?

    Thanks for any help. 

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 12:20 PM

    For the wind you can try Bilko's wind calculator.

    For uphill or downhill I generally add or subtract 1 yard per 3 feet of elevation. For example, the shot you describe would be played at 108 yards.

    The 20-25% description of a lie in the rough only describes how much of the ball is covered by the grass. It is not a direct description of the yards to add to the shot. I'm sure someone else will pop in here with a formula for you; I just play by feel and guess.

    I will say that for those shots in the rough you will find the most effective shot is usually the punch shot.

    The fact that your ball flew the green is mostly a function of your club's precision. Think of the precision of a club as a circle around the target. The more precise the club, the smaller the circle. The distance you hit is probably well within the "margin circle" for your clubs.

    Bear in mind, too, that circle moves and expands as your shot strays farther and farther from the "ding".

  • row2seat2
    1,441 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 12:28 PM

    I wish I could tell you there was some magic formula but alas there is none, its all practice and learning. Yes there are many "ways" to make each shot and a lot of help in the forums so it is your best bet, be patient and enjoy the ride.  

  • SantaClaus50
    5 Posts
    Mon, Dec 30 2013 10:30 AM

    It's been my experience that with the 20 to 25% lie you usually loose no yardage. with a full bite on the ball, moving the dot into the grass I've experienced whats known as a flyer.  The ball will not spin as much because of the grass between the clubhead and ball, in real golf if the ball does not  spin it will go further.  I've flown the green several times.  3 to 1 ratio for uphill and down hill targets seems pretty accurate. I haven't come up with a wind ratio yet but have used the 3ft to 1 mph and seems close.  


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Dec 31 2013 12:22 AM


    These are the general rules of thumb. I expand the wind rule to "1 yd for 1 mph over 200 yds shot length" - less for shorter shots.

    Furtheron, it depends on the clubs. Low trajecory clubs (notably the Starters) react less on wind but need more allowance for elevation (uphill). This leads to similar reactions if a punch is used with better clubs.