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Re: Black Box

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jan 3 2014 1:17 PM (26 replies)
  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 8:44 AM

    I've tried  everything  ....still is unplayable...oh well all good things  eventually come to and end. 

  • dryspot
    771 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 9:10 AM

    This is what i do when black box pops up click on menu

    then scorecard you will  then see the ad wait till it loads

    then it will be gone just keep doing that works 4 me happy golfin.


  • peteduffer
    48 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 10:05 AM

    I had same problem with Google went to Comodo dragon big difference.SMOOTH METER TOO 

  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 10:32 AM


    Excuse me, didn't know our posts are graded for Grammar....must be a English Teacher huh?

    If you want to be taken seriously. Write that way. Maybe you would have some of the guys who have fixed these issues posting in your thread. But as of right now, you dont. 

    Best of luck. :)


  • borntobesting
    9,786 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 11:13 AM

    This may help everyone. At least you will know what Ad is causing the problem. Every time I got the black box in the past 3 days it was an ad for 1 particular prescription medication. Lyrica.

    If indeed it is just the Lyrica ads can WGT simlpy remove them until they are straightened out? I have not seen any other ads do this. Of course it might be a different ad for others.

    Watch to see what ad is causing your black box. If they are all caused by Lyrica then  at least WGT will have a point to start from.

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 12:33 PM



    Excuse me, didn't know our posts are graded for Grammar....must be a English Teacher huh?

    If you want to be taken seriously. Write that way. Maybe you would have some of the guys who have fixed these issues posting in your thread. But as of right now, you dont. 

    Best of luck. :)


    First off i have seen people write some very fine Posts on these bugs.....Did there perfect Grammar and perfect use of the English language get WGT to do anything about it...NO.... There's a time to be nice and there's a time to be insulting and the LACK of response of WGT and there MODS to all these bugs make this one of those insulting posts...Now go Grade your English Papers and be a Teacher at School not on WGT...

  • BootyShiver84
    980 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 1:17 PM

    I just tried to play cc tourney and the ad box was black on my game screen, I clean out my cache, delete browsing history and run a cleaner as well. I tried right clicking on the ad and refreshing, didn't work, I logged out and back in still there. This is totally impossible to play. I for one have spent a lot of my hard earned money on this game. I'm sick and tired of WGT raking in the money and not responding to the issues they have. So now I can't play in this tourney is WGT going to reimburse me for my trouble...NO!!! and before you ask no it didn't cost me anything to enter this tourney, but we spend plenty of money to be able to play this game, and now we can't.