SLinSD: I buy one and it's mandatory that it goes with the entire iron set? That's not right. The whole point of setting your bag is to give yourself the most appropriate yardages that you'll be comfortable with.
This seems relevant now more than ever. I and many others have raised this point for quite some time but with recent changes my bag would be a lot better if I could remove a 3iron and add hybrid.
Can't drop 3wood anymore from Legend tees. Current set up is 237 wood, 215 3 iron, 205 4 iron. Can't reach many par 3s with 3 iron now and 3 wood is too much. With option to drop 3 iron set up would be 237 3 wood, 222 hybrid, 205 4 iron which would make a much better fit without having to give up a wedge. This is actually exactly how my real bag is set up except for the fact that I carry an 8 hdcp and can hit every club about 15 yards farther than my supposed master equipment.
*** As for the post about the mandatory clubs being programmed as one, I have a hard believing that. I remember seeing that from WGT and thought "really?....please explain how." Not many people would drop a middle club but allowing people to drop 3 iron or PW seems like an easy overhaul and would make many customers happy.
The bigger issue for me right now is the meter. I've had a long battle with it since the beginning of this year. New computer helped a lot but since recent updates it's worse than it's ever been.
Very very close to the point where fade into the sunset. Hoping something gets resolved soon as I really don't want to quit but sure can't continue beating my head against the wall. Might have to seek counseling to break my addiction but WGT is certainly helping to squash my desire for playing the game. I love the added length for Legends but not being able to get within 3 of center with 4 iron approaches just isn't a heck of a lot of fun.