I try to find best match play players to play against. Unfortunately no way to find that out. At present i am inviting TL assuming they are better by default. Some legend is as good match play players.
So why not have list by match play wins against TL , against Legend.
Like this in your stats ? Apologies in advance if I missed your point:
and - with a click or three alex, you can see those same stats for the awesome players you're looking for
Why i have to click every player profile to see ? Is there way list of wins by players against each tier?
I want to play best match play players whether they are TL , L or TM
Duffer : time for my revenge match play - merion back 9 - get ready
well bro - I tossed you yet another invite and yet again you didn't accept - I think we'll just settle for the random deal if it ever happens - lol
Yo add me ad friend after match play remove. At present i am online invite me : 91:11pm pst
I'm all merion'd out bro - see you in the lobby some other time - gl out there