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Re: Notebook

Fri, Jan 10 2014 3:45 PM (2 replies)
  • BamBam73
    16 Posts
    Fri, Jan 10 2014 12:48 PM

    What's the deal on the notebook?  Can you use it in real time, after your shot, or after the hle.  If you have to wait until after the round? It seems useless to me.  I don't want to fork over 500 credits for something I cannot really use.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Jan 10 2014 1:38 PM

    I heard that it has one page for each fairway, one for each green and one for each CTTH shot. You can

    - write in it before you change to the next situation, i.e. mostly before the shot, and only in single mode. That is, make a note about your perfect approach before the ball hits the green, and pray that it's not in a match => paper memory necessary.

    - read in it while you're on the hole (not in advance, not in hindsight), also in multiplayer games.

    AFAIK, you cannot browse through holes when not playing them - too many limitations IMHO.

    Me thinks it's one of these half-bread money-making ideas like "bag plus" which has to be unequipped before selling unequipped clubs.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Jan 10 2014 3:45 PM

    I bought it just to check it our for another member and wound up writing a negative review of it. That review hasn't been published in the pro shop but I don't fault WGT for that due to the time frame in which I sent it to them

    The notebook has very serious flaws. You are not allowed to enter notes after a shot in CTTH. You are not allowed to enter a note after a shot has been holed in stroke play, either by a putt or a hole-out from off the green. Holes don't carry over from course to course, meaning an entry for # 18 on St. Andrews will not show when the same hole opens in the Best of Famous Holes. You can't see any hole other than the one you are on (no scrolling ahead or behind). No entries allowed in multiple player games. If you select a specific hole in practice using the "WGT Community" "Golf Courses" option on the top scroll bar the notebook only opens to the first hole on that course. You can't access it for the hole you are actually playing.

    To their credit WGT  offered a refund to me yesterday. I accepted and am currently waiting for the credits to be put back into my account. I did make it clear that I would pick one up again after they fixed it. I'm not particularly confident that they will as very little effort seems to be put into actually repairing things around here.

    The notebook is a great idea but it was very poorly designed by WGT.