At the end of the day Icon, what I think it boils down to is, VARIETY. What floats one persons boat won't float another. in fact, I think Chad and his crew should print a big huge banner with the word variety on it and strive to provide that to the community, as you will see that theme pop up over and over
I think the frustrating thing for some of these RGers(not sure if that is a word, if not I patent it) is every time you change up the RGs, some guys chime in and tell you what they want only to have the next time around go back to how it was, all 9 hole 100 and all 18 hole 200. Just do a bunch of different stuff
1 or 2 9 hole at 100
1 or 2 9 hole at 200
1 or 2 9 hole at 300
1 or 2 18 hole at 200
1 or 2 18 hole at 400
maybe a highstakes 9 hole at 500
and a a couple 18 hole high stakes at 1000 and 2000
I m just tossin stuff out there, but ultimately some people will never enter bigger buy ins and others only want those, so just mix it all up and put something out there for everybody, including UEL.