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Re: Ball Life

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 16 2014 10:42 PM (1 replies)
  • quakerdarlo
    7,058 Posts
    Thu, Jan 16 2014 6:39 PM

    Now  i dont usually notice this... as....(A) am not bothered n (B) aint happened before??...but reason for this is...i,m playin a random A/S game, renewed my ball mid round...took 1 shot  & 1 putt....message sed sorrry disconnected, try again etc etc etc(you know what it says lol) so why if my game didnt count, does my ball usage count??? surely next time i should start with my old ball....but oh no.........If youre stats dont count then why should ball usage count ???

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Jan 16 2014 10:42 PM

    AFAIK, only "win" or "loss" count towards stats in A/S games, quite impossible from an aborted match.

    Alas, shots have been taken and have been counted towards the XPs, why shouldn't they count against ball life?

    What about lost balls in such games? Want them refunded?