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Re: Stat reset purchase option

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 23 2014 10:45 AM (20 replies)
  • SplashLewis
    375 Posts
    Thu, Jan 23 2014 10:45 AM


    Good thread and extremely worthwhile debate IMHO.

    I would like to add that stats are appreciated by me.  I very much like looking at progression, and at least that 100/200 etc idea would be a basic, but hugely appreciated step forward IMO.  

    Might be tougher, but if you can then also get it by course that would be great.  ALSO to get really really funky (listen hard WGT as talking balls burned I reckon:)....) have an A headline average and a B headline average.


    As I said before I think def get the BoCourses out of the main stats (as well as UEL - think they get lumped in to??).

    You only make the A list if you have played a certain amount of courses over a given period (say 3 months). Yep play Beth F9 only, and quote all the great stats you like, but do so as a B seat person.  Now play all the courses (certain amount) over a given time and you get to be A listed with that same average. Goals created? Balls burned??  

    No Tier change, just an up front appreciation of what you are doing in that tier up front - who would argue against? Not talking about going nuts over it, just some modicum of playing all on a half regular basis to be "A" list.  

    Can't do all courses say even 4 times ( so say F9 and B9 x2 each) ...minimum stuff but at least would show not a  complete 1 trick pony? Oh an proper RRs / WGT tourney if possible, but even CC adjusted if must although preferably two more....Anyway getting into exactness debate, but you get the direction drift:)

    No disrespect WGT as I am a monetarist first at heart as well, but any good business needs some fiscal drag too.  IMO you kinda miss that latter part a bit too much.  

    Be one interesting read seeing the TL average split by A list then B list?? Not saying perfect but compared to the current nonsense that goes on great competition, and no less balls burning. Infact gotta be more?  live a little WGT do some real moving and shaking IMO. 


    Please instigate some this shyte.

    So endeth the 2pence lesson:)

    That would be awesome

    However, It would be almost impossible to do that and maintain the acceptable game play at the same time.  WGT would have to have separate dataservers for users to access for that granurlarity of stats