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Re: 12 Days of Christmas 2013

Tue, Jan 28 2014 3:33 PM (9 replies)
  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sat, Jan 25 2014 6:19 PM

    To who ever gives :

    172092 Credits + / Or  $1720.92 + was gifted out over the 12 days Christmas Give away .

    + ( Many Santas gave away Xtras ,)

    And that does not take in the factor of some of the other players that were not part of the " Give away " that offered gifts .

    Thank you to MrCaddie For his time to set up all this and all the Country Clubs that took part of this . And a thank you to WGT 

    iaaR ( R) ft 

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Sat, Jan 25 2014 6:25 PM

    Absolutely fantastic stats , way to go members, was a joy to be part of and look forward to this year.

    Happy New Year folks.

    MrC you will go down in the annals of WGT as the greatest ever instigator of the greatest ever giveaway this site as ever seen.

    WELL DONE, and glad to have you as a friend.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Jan 25 2014 6:26 PM

    More $$ than I thought Ope....

    Good job members and WGT.


  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Sat, Jan 25 2014 11:32 PM

    It was a damn good job in an awesome time of the year. 

    Great one from MrCaddie, the Santas and WGT also. And like Andy said, more bucks than I thought too and that is great, this is a simple proof about how much grand is this comunity.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Jan 25 2014 11:46 PM

    Great one from MrCaddie, the Santas and WGT also. And like Andy said, more bucks than I thought too and that is great, this is a simple proof about how much grand is this comunity.



  • sweetmiffy
    2,110 Posts
    Sun, Jan 26 2014 12:41 AM


    To who ever gives :

    172092 Credits + / Or  $1720.92 + was gifted out over the 12 days Christmas Give away .

    + ( Many Santas gave away Xtras ,)

    And that does not take in the factor of some of the other players that were not part of the " Give away " that offered gifts .

    Wow that was a lot of money. Opey! I'm so happy that I was able to be a very small part of this! There were so many clubs and people that were just so generous.


    Thank you to MrCaddie For his time to set up all this and all the Country Clubs that took part of this . And a thank you to WGT 

    iaaR ( R) ft 

    Yes! MrCaddie you are fabulous!!!

    And WGT deserve to be thanked as well!

    Yay everyone!!!!

    And the person that I was fortunate to be able to give clubs to, has moved from Tour Pro to Master since then! How awesome is that?

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, Jan 26 2014 3:26 AM



    And the person that I was fortunate to be able to give clubs to, has moved from Tour Pro to Master since then! How awesome is that?

    Pretty damn awesome if you ask me.

    We run a 12 days in our CC every December, the guy I gave a set of irons and a couple or wedges to has knocked 2 shots of his average since then.

    Nice to know it's worthwhile.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sun, Jan 26 2014 3:53 AM

    All the gifts were virtual, all the thoughts and big hearts behind the gifts are real. Well done to all involved. I am so proud to have many of you as my friend. Hats off to Wayne for a monumental effort again.


  • sweetmiffy
    2,110 Posts
    Sun, Jan 26 2014 4:16 AM


    Pretty damn awesome if you ask me.

    We run a 12 days in our CC every December, the guy I gave a set of irons and a couple or wedges to has knocked 2 shots of his average since then.

    Nice to know it's worthwhile.

    Yes Mainz, exactly that!

    I love Christmas! Yes, it's nice to get gifts, but it's WAY better to give gifts to others! I love going shopping and thinking, "I wonder if xxx would like this?" And then seeing the look on their face when they open the present! And I love wrapping presents with too much paper as well, cos then the person has to really struggle to unwrap it!


  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 3:33 PM

    A month after Christmas, and we are still talking about it? I can wait another 11 months before thinking about it.