I agree, congratulations on your advancement.
In regards to upgrading equipment, pay very close attention to the meter speed as that will cause your bar at the bottom to move faster or slower depending on that. If you wind up trying to look for clubs such as putters do not bother with things such as the ball coming straight off the club face when you hit it, even with no breaks, you will not find such a thing.
I would also say that if you send in very many "notices" regarding the game not playing correctly, minimize how many you send in because if you do send in what they would consider too many then they will block you from sending any in at all. From my experience, they do not like to know about anything that would require them to rewrite any lines in the programming to make the clubs and balls to react like they would in real golf. And that is my best advice, do not expect the game to react the way real golf would. If you are an actual "good" good golfer in real life, you can still learn to enjoy this game as well.