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Re: Let's be Realistic

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Wed, Sep 8 2010 10:38 AM (2 replies)
  • Richard1969
    34 Posts
    Wed, Sep 8 2010 9:04 AM

    When i first started playing this game many months ago, I was impressed by how REAL it all felt.  It seemed so much more realistic than any other golf games out there...  especially online golf.  I liked everything about it except 2 things.  1) lag.  2) just about everybody quitting in the middle of a round.  Over time I became used the lag and have developed a somewhat self-control to be patient and NOT swing if there's any hint of a lag.  It's not perfect and has still remained a frustration for me.  The quitting thing is still bad and will remain so until something is done to REALLY address it.

    Then I noticed some averages...  54??  Huh?  I can see shooting in the 50s if conditions are just right and you are completely on your game, but an AVERAGE?  Obviously these people only post their very best scores, but consistently shooting in the 50s is about as UNREALISTIC as it gets.  My average typically stays in the 63 to 65 range, and that is also very unrealistic.  To make this game more realistic with the scores, the elite players should be averaging in the high 60's.  So I don't mind some of the new changes.  Let's get these un-godly averages more in the realm of real golf.  But that also means average players should be averaging mid 70s to mid 80's. 

    My point is this...  WGT should not be giving average players an advantage to catch up to the good players.  Make it more like real golf.  Average players should be in country clubs and competing with handicaps, not playing against the best players and able to beat them because of un-fair advantages.  I completely understand the frustrations of legends.  I would not want to be hitting from the champion tees onto ultra-fast greens all the time either, especially with the huge advantage sand-baggers have.  But realistically, nobody should be shooting these outrageous scores. 

    Bottom line is this.  ALL scores should be posted, or some sort of penalty for not completing a round.  Scores should be monitored to get rid of sand-bagging.  And players should only be competing against others in their own tier...  or use a handicap system. 

  • MJS74
    341 Posts
    Wed, Sep 8 2010 9:19 AM

    The difference in tees between Tour Masters and Legends IS the handicap

  • Richard1969
    34 Posts
    Wed, Sep 8 2010 10:38 AM
    I understand that. What I'm saying is let everyone play the same courses with the same conditions and implement a handicap system you would see in the real world. Of course this wouldn't work either if sand-bagging is allowed. I believe most competitions should be on the country club level, and the money tournaments only played between players from the same tier. They do this with the weekly and monthly free tournaments. So that's fair. But not the RGs. I rarely play them because of the obvious sand-bagging issue. With the new format sand-bagging will be very tempting to alot of people. I guess that's my biggest issue. "Amateurs" with master clubs is just crazy.