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Re: WGT Stability Problems

Fri, Feb 14 2014 6:39 PM (12 replies)
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  • VEM9000
    169 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2014 3:32 AM

    I bet it's that damn VEM9000 sucking up the server resources!!  ;o)


    Ha.    Ha.    Ha.

    You would do well to remember, Andyson, that it does not bode well for those who go snooping around into my activities, just ask Doc !


  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2014 9:32 AM

     photo 40fd5cbe-0e84-413c-89be-aad66253d6da_zps8c1a1e3c.jpg

    Doc :)

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Fri, Feb 14 2014 6:39 PM


    Is the reliability of WGT getting worse?

    I've experienced many problems lately, whereas in the last year I've been on here I didn't really have any.

    I've just had an alternate shot game crash on me, followed by a mutliplayer game crashing, resulting in my two partners unable to continue.

    I hope this won't always happen.

    Yes, it is, and they are more worried about replacing credits that people lost, than fixing the issue, that would stop people from losing those credits from this issue in the first place. Oh well, I guess trying to get someone to do the right thing, is not here on this site.

    I guess were just going to keep planning on being kicked out of game, and people losing credits, so they can spend all their own sweet time replacing those credits, when this whole thing could be avoided, by fixing what ever their system is causing kick outs.

    Go to the source to fix it, not ignore it.

    More like VEM1 trillion, not even WGT can handle the load. LOL.

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