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Re: country clubs

Thu, Feb 17 2011 7:01 AM (5 replies)
  • pencilneck
    4 Posts
    Thu, Sep 9 2010 9:36 PM

    hi my name is Paul been playing for little while now,just wanted to ask how to join country clubs,I have clicked REQUEST TO JOIN but nothing happens what am i doing wrong.?

  • bigchunky17
    850 Posts
    Mon, Sep 13 2010 2:14 PM

    Know what you mean Pencilneck...I am having the same problem. I have sent membership request (twice) which i know for sure has been responded to. Yet still nothing appears on my personal e-mail account. I have checked that the e-mail provided to WGT is correct and that's not the problem. I have recieved other non-related e-mails from WGT to this address.

    I have found out today that i have been sent a request from a different club and the friend who owns the club was, rightly, a bit put out that i had not responded.

    I wonder if a WGT admin could sort this out and respond....I can supply the relevant CC names etc

    Many Thanks


  • mikem77
    1,218 Posts
    Tue, Sep 14 2010 12:01 PM

    hi guys

    why not join the uk  golfers elite cc

    can send invites if u want 


  • pencilneck
    4 Posts
    Wed, Sep 15 2010 6:00 AM

    Thanks mike will join up.!   At the moment my broadband speed has just been slowed to a crawll (to many downloads) it takes 5mins between shots at the moment (frustrating)will be in touch.Thanks from pencilneck(paul)

  • golferfrank63
    187 Posts
    Thu, Feb 17 2011 5:47 AM


    anyone would like ownwership of country club

    golfer championship club

    let me know


  • knicksfan0137
    1 Posts
    Thu, Feb 17 2011 7:01 AM

    well i really want to join a cc, just not own it

    if i could can i join?