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Re: How to keep paying players contibuting to WGT wages.

Fri, Feb 14 2014 6:35 PM (9 replies)
    85 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2014 6:30 PM

    Supply what players are asking for!!

    I joined WGT, after a friend of mine found out I was still playing the PGA CD -rom, so he invited me to join. Yep this is 2014, and I was playing the old PGA game.. lol..

    So here I am, a member of WGT,using the WGT site.

    Just to make the game a little more interesting (less boring) it would be nice to be able to play in tournaments with another player (not on your own each time).

    As we are on the WGT site playing their game, being able to communicate with other players while playing is great, but there is a need for a area where we can communicate before and after games. Going into a 3rd party program, means all friends must join too. "Why, when we are already on WGT, which has the right communication program running, just not in the appropriate area's"!!!!

    Being able to play with other people is great, being able to communicate with friends here on WGT would be even better.

    IMO. I am loosing interest in the game, not being able to communicate with friends when required, or play a tournament with another person.

    I have contributed towards WGT profits and staff wages. I am sure they would not worry about loosing 1 lonely paying player. But if there were more with the same thoughts, maybe, just maybe, WGT will keep us happy and here playing the game, with the continued contributions towards their wages and profit!!


    NB.... If you going to ridicule this post don,t bother. It is a real suggestion from a real person who does want to keep on WGT. SO, Please no crap from the smart ass players who like to put shyt on others for their comments....


    Thanks WGT.. Hope you can keep us all happy and playing (paying your wages)!

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2014 7:08 PM

    Communication is a good idea that ideally the game should have tacked on I guess.

    Trouble is things like Skype work so well so easily that I doubt it's going to see the to do list for some time to come.  I do agree that anything that aids communication easily can only be a good thing though for a player, but unless WGT see an obvious $ in it tomorrow I just can't see it happening for a good while.  Personally If I had to choose it would not be top of my list compared to a CC upgrade or two which is already like getting blood, but that's me.

    Communication during actual tourneys?  I have to vote no unless it's in a CC.  I think if it happened in say a RG or a top tourney it would create issues - players claiming there is an advantage with top players, playing in groups, helping each other on the way round etc.  Not sure I completely agree with that, but I would not be opening that one up if I were WGT.  In a CC I think it's a very good idea for those that want it. In all honesty when I play a RR I personally would not want it, as I like to concentrate and take my time / go get coffee or whatever when I want.  The distractions of laughing with friends I like to leave for A/S especially and even MP if it's just with a good bud.....


    85 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2014 8:02 PM


    Communication is a good idea that ideally the game should have tacked on I guess.

    Trouble is things like Skype work so well so easily that I doubt it's going to see the to do list for some time to come.  I do agree that anything that aids communication easily can only be a good thing though for a player, but unless WGT see an obvious $ in it tomorrow I just can't see it happening for a good while.  Personally If I had to choose it would not be top of my list compared to a CC upgrade or two which is already like getting blood, but that's me.

    Communication during actual tourneys?  I have to vote no unless it's in a CC.  I think if it happened in say a RG or a top tourney it would create issues - players claiming there is an advantage with top players helping each other on the way round etc.  Not sure I completely agree with that, but I would not be opening that one up if I were WGT.  In a CC I think it's a very good idea for those that want it. In all honesty when I play a RR I personally would not want it, as I like to concentrate and take my time / go get coffee or whatever when I want.  The distractions of laughing with friends I like to leave for A/S especially and even MP if it's just with a good bud.....


    Hey Jim.

    I see what you say about tournaments, there would be more complaints, with people helping each other. I suppose that's life! lol

    As for Skype and other 3rd party programs. (You can have a good laugh at this one). Down under in good old Australia, we (sorry to say) do not have quality internet service, and quite a lot of Aussies have limited data, so, are unable to use a third party. As it is now with all of the ads, sucking data on WGT. Most Aussies are utilizing "Ad Blocker Pro" to over come the problem. Which makes the ads UN-viable and ineffective in Aust.

    WGT does allow communication, in two areas, 1 when playing, and 2, in between games. While playing, the communication window is under the players names, and between games it is over to the right of the screen.

    IMO. It would be nice to have the same communication window, as when playing, available on our profile page and CC page. Allowing us to continue using the communication window provided, to talk with our friend who have their green light on.

    If paying customers do leave WGT, because of this situation, WGT might actually loosed some of the old mighty dollar $$   lol...

    Thanks Jim. For a nice friendly reply to my post!!! Appreciated..

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2014 8:22 PM


    I am a POME originally from London lol.  The flag is Guernsey this week but back to the Aussie one next week - I live in Sydney these days.

    Australia was a bit slow with internet granted.  Yes down load limits compared to effectively none in the UK (away from 4G anyways), but in the Sydney area at least things are much closer now.  I am a 30 minute train ride out of central Sydney and my London (England) friends do find it amazing that this particular street does not have cable that close to the capital City.  

    As alluded to In fairness though (near Sydney granted) my ADSL connection and data allowance is such that I have no issues at home at all.  Three teens and everyone just uses the internet as they wish with no complaints at home.  Mobile data usage is still a little more expensive here, and no Android sport app for Foxtel (unless it's just come in??) annoys me when elsewhere it's old hat.  Hard one for Oz as massive US sized geography and only 25m Aussies.

    Anyway good luck with your points, and this is place to raise them obviously:)

    85 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2014 8:47 PM

    Ah Jim....

    LOL I was born in Reading... Came here at 3..... True Aussie, ha, lol.....

    AM in the hills of Lismore, no, not in Vic, you know the one, near Nimbin...LOL :)

    Cable, ADSL,,,,,, what are they??????         lol  tongue in cheek   :)

    30 minute out of Syd by train,,,,,, lets see,,,, these day's... could be Redfern... :)

    I was at Parra 10years back,, done the tree change......

    Anyway Jim. Just thought  wgt could allow the chat window we have while playing, be utilized on our CC and Profile page..... It is all ready there........

    I am no IT wiz, just thought it would have been common sense to so so..

    Again thank for the nice post... Just shows us Aussies are fare.....

    Thanks Mate. Are you in my friends list????


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2014 10:05 PM

    30 minute out of Syd by train,,,,,, lets see,,,, these day's... could be Redfern... :)

    LOL now that is good!  Certainly faster walking than driving.

    Everyone knows where Nimbin is, they just don't remember their time there - not sure why!

    As per your request, they are fair requests but will not happen IMO. WGT have stated in the past they will not spend money on them when there are other programs provided by third parties.

    Not exactly want you are asking for but in WGT eyes, are close enough. From my view point I can live with what we have as I fear their programmers would just make the game play worse. Fix existing issues first lol.

    Personally I would rather WGT spend their money on the development of the game, more stroke play courses and less gimmicks like heart balls etc. More courses keep players interests up and IMO we should be getting 2 courses a year (not including best ofs or pitch and putts). There are a ton of courses out there that would love the exposure and would make good courses for this game. 

    As Jim rightly points out, there would be issues with Multiplay tournaments but many many requests have asked for this - perhaps one day it might be possible to do so in a CC Comp, but then again, maybe not lol.

  • dacrash
    476 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2014 12:17 AM

    Just to make the game a little more interesting (less boring) it would be nice to be able to play in tournaments with another player (not on your own each time).

    I think this is a good idea.  Poker sites run live tournaments with thousands of players at the same time. 

    Regarding the remarks about players cheating: if the foursomes were set randomly by WGT (like the poker sites) cheating would be much harder. (someone will always find a way to cheat). Plus I don't really agree with players collaborating, why would one help someone beat them?  Besides, pros talk to the other players while playing.

    Oh well, with the problems that exist, it would scare the dickens out of me if WGT did try to implement this idea.

    But I still think it is a good idea.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2014 12:39 AM

    Plus I don't really agree with players collaborating, why would one help someone beat them?

    Actually I agree, collusion would be a minor part IMO. The problems I have are how long would it take to get a game with players to play in that specific tournament. Most of us have trouble starting any random game let alone a specific game. A  septate  lobby would solve this but once again, at what cost when you let the WGT programmers loose on something new lol.

    The other issue is people who would quit and you could spend ages playing a 4 player multi-round tournament. I like to play pretty quickly and this would drive me nuts if it was going to take an hour and a half or so. let alone having no continuity. 

  • dacrash
    476 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2014 12:56 AM

    I was thinking of the online poker model.  Sign up for tournament.  Log in and wait in lobby.  Be placed with 3 other random players. 

    Be there for the starting times for each round, or forfeit.  If you quit a game (any reason), you forfeit.

    It might make some 4somes play faster as players realize that they don't have a chance after a bad shot and quit.

    But it also scares me to have WGT programmers attempt this.  Sad but true.


  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Fri, Feb 14 2014 6:35 PM

    This really has been brought up before for a lobby chat or making tournaments like multi-player tournaments like what you see on tv with real golf, where players talk to each other between going from hole to hole or on tee. The problem is not if WGT does it, it is if they will just ignore this again like before, and say some kind of excuse to just not do it. They have ignored way too many good suggestions, even in the suggestion section, where most of these are at.