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Re: Laptop Cursor Movement Problem

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Sat, Feb 22 2014 10:03 AM (1 replies)
  • DSmeaton
    225 Posts
    Sat, Feb 22 2014 3:52 AM

    Normally I play on a dual monitor setup with my laptop and a usb mouse. But this weekend I am traveling and trying to play on my laptop with the built in trackpad and mouse buttons.

    My issue is that I cannot move the highlight bar when I am in the tournament selection screen. Neither the stroke play, ready-go or country club screens provide any movement of the bar using either the cursor or the trackpad. This means I am limited to selecting those tournaments that are listed on the initial screen. My main problem is that I can't access any of my CC premium tournaments!!!

    Any assistance is appreciated.


  • ScottHope
    10,646 Posts
    Sat, Feb 22 2014 10:03 AM

    I don't know if you can access the 'Mouse Keys' feature on a laptop but if you can you could try that. MOUSE KEYS.

    Do you not have access to the scroll bar either?