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Re: Instant Replays

Wed, Mar 5 2014 10:44 AM (56 replies)
  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Tue, Mar 4 2014 9:55 AM

    Well, it is Tuesday? Nothing on it being fixed? Figured. As about as on time as Microsoft.

    Pretty lame that we have to play bad just to play a game in MP.

  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Tue, Mar 4 2014 12:11 PM

    We hope to have this issue resolved this evening, but I cannot give any promises. We understand the frustrations and greatly appreciate the community's patience.

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Tue, Mar 4 2014 12:16 PM

    This is more unbleep believable more like it. I do believe the no promises, because that seems like what a company would say now a days to take longer. Lost my respect on this one.

  • okiegolfer2
    350 Posts
    Tue, Mar 4 2014 3:22 PM


    We hope to have this issue resolved this evening, but I cannot give any promises. We understand the frustrations and greatly appreciate the community's patience.

    It seems to me that the instant replay issue has become a major problem with the concurrent change made in the putting grid to larger moving dots.  (I've posted my displeasure with that change under "Product Suggestions. Majority agree that it was totally unnecessary and has made putting even more difficult.)  Please put things back, WGT, to what they were before the putting grid change.  I'll bet the instant replay problem will be resolved as well.


  • VVanMeer
    383 Posts
    Tue, Mar 4 2014 4:22 PM

    No you don't that's the whole problem. You want to upgrade before fixing the past issues like Facebook login. V's wgt login. Lille buying stuff from store that does not work. Like the 48 to 72 hrs of support response . Now this? Please indulge me when you get it fixed . I may return . But I can not promise. Pogo looks good.

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Tue, Mar 4 2014 5:38 PM

    I don't think our suggestions are worth a darn to them. Most of the new features that have been added are ones I or most of us don't have any decision or thought of having. I mean they used to have a chat with us to add features, then they got stingy, and now it is just what they add, even if we never use them. They really act like they don't care much at all.

    If it is a bug, they even take longer to fix, then adding just one feature per month or if that. They say maintenance, and it is a bug added to the game. They say update, and it is about the same. Nothing too new to get excited about, when they add anything.

    Just saying for those that put their hard earned money into this game, they don't have a choice to what they can have added to the game. It is like they put their hand out or standing at a street corner with a sign out begging, then after taking what we or anyone gives them, they turn on us. Not really a professional business going on here. Sorry, but I really don't appreciate, no matter how small business or any size of business, thinks they can take advantage of their customers.

    Defending them doesn't help them either.

  • VVanMeer
    383 Posts
    Wed, Mar 5 2014 10:44 AM

    It's a money issue. I noticed the new ads placed in front of me as I go into game or come out. They really need to be posted In proshop. Adobe has all it can do to keep up with the game.